Friday, 24 February 2017

Fostering the Seeds of Peace

In some parts of history, the western world restore signs to which civilization will move. Industrialization, democracy, capitalism, feminism, technology are just some things that initially occurred in the West, then outspread to the whole world. Sadly, there is a powerful country in the West beginning to show anti-religious sentiments openly. Hopefully this too will not spread to other parts of the world.

Anyone who diligently travels to the West during this 21st century, should ask 'what is your religion?' .And be prepared to get answers like this: "dumb question". A lecturer at a university in Melbourne Australia, asked this to the students in a class: does any one of you have a religion? . And the ones who raised their hands are only a handful of people. And they all were Asian students.

From one aspect, religion in the West is seen as a burden rather than a joyful identity. And at the same time, there is another trend worth to be contemplated. On the one hand there is the human thirst for peace. Mainly because of materialism in the West has shown its limits. Even generate too many diseases. And on the other hand, there are many spiritual communities that have flourished in the West and offer peace. Along with that, a holy place must be sold because it no longer has worshipers.

This presented a new challenge for religions ahead of how to satisfy the thirst of man for peace. Without the ability to satisfy the human thirst for peace, the more extended the already long list of violence, then it is not impossible that religion can go extinct in the future.

If I may be honest, everywhere there is a new generation that questions the beauty of religious teachings with daily reality that is full of violence. The farther the distance between the reality with religious teachings, the less there is a new generation that is interested in studying religion. Borrowing a Zen story, every word is simply a finger pointing to the moon. Even the Buddha's words combined with the words of Shri Krishna and Jesus Christ could not accompany man found enlightenment, especially when it is only with limited understanding and then to be forgotten. What we know and understand is a cliff. What we carry in everyday life is another cliff. And the bridge that connects the two named in daily practices.

It is hard to imagine enlightenment without the perseverance in daily practice. Unfortunately, not many people are going to do this. By only being driven with intellect, then expect to achieve enlightenment. It is similar to a person who only sees the tip of the finger on the moon but he expected to be on the moon instantly. Thich Nhat Hanhs book titled “Creating True Peace” has more concrete exercises. Within us there is the seed of peace and also the seeds of anger. The journey of practice will be more perfect if human beings keeps watering the inner seeds of peace daily and discontinue watering the inner seeds of anger. The best way to do this is to practice mindfulness. In any activity (such as awake, eat, work until we go back to sleep again) do it with full awareness. When anger comes, remember to smile so we do not follow the desire of anger. When discussing peace, smile so we realize that peace certainly can go. So that when peace has truly gone, one does not need to be disappointed.

When tempted with annoying people, focus the energy on the fire of anger that is inside. See, smile and do not follow the urge of anger. If this does not help, change the title of the person who is annoying us, become a person who needs our help and affection. Because if the title is annoying, upset and anger are the natural responses. If the title he/she needs our love, the natural response is to be helpful and show compassion.

Guided with daily exercises like this, it is easy for human beings to meet the shade of an inner calm peace inside. By having peace in everyday life, the body is completely healthy and the soul's journey is very likely to survive. With the seeds of peace like this, slowly and slowly our family will also survive. And in this era ,family is the only place where the light will appear. This light will not only illuminate one person's soul, but it will also illuminate the world.

Author: Gede Prama.
Photo Courtesy:
Proofread By: Kirsty Spence.

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