Friday 29 January 2016

The Smile of Flowers

Many people find excitement in talking the shortcomings of the others. And the path of the wise is different. The shortcomings of the others are not materials of laughing, but materials of contemplation which is full of lessons.

In relation with taking the lessons from the other's experience, let's learn from a family which collapsed already. In a certain family visit, there was a story which deeply touch the heart. Their mother passed away, their father got married for three times, their children divorced. A series of stories that easily makes the heart cry.

The contemplative question then, what is the most important reason behind the collapsing family? Behind a complicated phenomenon, there is always hidden a complicated networks. And among all the hassle, the one that makes family easily collapse is the excessive competition. Most people are very eager to be called better than the others.

Like a vehicle, every soul was born to have different capabilities. Bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trucks are of course different. And any family would collapse if their ability is similar to bicycle but forcing themselves to transport the loads that commonly transported by truck.

Sadly, this is the thing that happens in many families today. The highly competitive social environment in particular makes many people force themselves to carry the loads which is far above their capacity, mostly because they want to be called better than the others.

Friday 22 January 2016

The Inner River

As it is often disclosed in the meditation sessions, every time encountering restless souls, there is always the presence of souls who never get connected for long long time. They do not only not connected physically, they also do not get connected mentally and spiritually.

Look at the life of people in the city in particular, they use air conditioning at home, in the car, in the office as well. In the same way, almost all of the houses in the city have high walls. Look deeper into the way of society interact in daily life, here and there there are also walls like we-they, mine-their.

As a result, there are many souls who are alienated and feel deeply lonely in their own bodies. That's why in the West there is writer who wrote a message like this: "The global problem is the problem of disembodiment". Most global issues are deeply connected to the problem of human failure to be well-connected. The world health organization even predicted, by the year of 2020 mental illness will be much more frightening than the physical pain.

Under this light of understanding, it is worthy to contemplate again and again the importance of connectedness in everyday life. In deep spiritual world in particular, it is often heard a message like this: "While cleverness like to build walls that separate, kindness love to build bridges that connecting".

Friday 15 January 2016

Poetry of Beauty

In psychology, it is widely known the analogy of cow in the middle of glassware. It represents the people who are extremely not sensitive. Because of being insensitive, they talk easily, acting easily, but they do not know that they cause a lot of injuries to the others souls.

The result is predictable, not only the other people run away from them, as a matter of time they will feel of being alienated in the mids of the crowd. If they do not learn sensitivity, this type of people will experience a lot of pain and illness.

To make it simple, sensitivity is the fruit of one’s connection with nature and all creations. In the process of being well-connected, most people have a lot of barriers. And among all barriers, the most blocking barrier is the habit to create walls between oneself and the rest of creations.

Friday 8 January 2016

Beautiful Garden of Soul

Following the explanation of Shiva Tantra part one in Besakih temple, and Shiva Tantra part two in Jati temple at Batur last year, in the beautiful night of Shivaratri on January 8th 2016 at 19:30 Bali time will be explained Shiva Tantra part three in the beautiful temple of Uluwatu.

While the focus of Besakih temple session is Parama Shanti (ultimate peace), the focus of Jati temple session is true home, in Uluwatu the focus is family as the beautiful garden of soul. Especially because in our age family is a well-fertilized garden where souls can grow deeply and beautifully.

There are three women whose marriage with three Balinese men collapsed. The first lady comes from Russia, the second one is Japanese and the last one is from Jakarta. Having listened to their story with full empathy, by then the secrets of how a person should start a family are opened. The point is very simple, one who is dirts within will meet flies even in heaven, one who is flower within will meet butterfly even in hell.

The guiding light then is simple, every young people who want to start a family are advised to start with beautiful heart. That is why the first of Shiva Tantra message that will be delivered in Uluwatu is like this: "look at all beings lovingly". To make it simple, choose a life partner who enable you to look with loving eyes.

Friday 1 January 2016

The Inner Angel

A young girl whose face was tired and uneasy asked a touching question like this: "my parents was divorced, my house makes me nervous, my school makes me angry, where should I find safe and comfortable shelter for my soul?". 

It is unimaginable how painful the inner soul is, at the teenagers age this young girl must experience such troubling life. And in the midst of burning life like this, it is natural that she tried to look for a comfortable shelter for her soul.

Sadly, in this time and age, there are very few safe and comfortable soul shelter. Do not talk about people who gathered for the purpose of business, even when the holy people gathered for the purpose of sanctitying the soul, the environment is full of disagreement.

Learning from this, the only safe option is to find the beautiful angel within. That is the reason why the deep spiritual journey is often referred as a deep inner journey. It is like finding the inner sanctuary.

Every tradition has their unique way, but on the path of meditation the inner journey is done by maintaining the proper distance to the body, mind and emotion. When someone is successful in maintaining the last distance, by then there is possibility of deep concentration.