Friday 15 January 2016

Poetry of Beauty

In psychology, it is widely known the analogy of cow in the middle of glassware. It represents the people who are extremely not sensitive. Because of being insensitive, they talk easily, acting easily, but they do not know that they cause a lot of injuries to the others souls.

The result is predictable, not only the other people run away from them, as a matter of time they will feel of being alienated in the mids of the crowd. If they do not learn sensitivity, this type of people will experience a lot of pain and illness.

To make it simple, sensitivity is the fruit of one’s connection with nature and all creations. In the process of being well-connected, most people have a lot of barriers. And among all barriers, the most blocking barrier is the habit to create walls between oneself and the rest of creations.

The separatenss between I and you, we and them, human and non human are some examples of walls that make seekers fail to be well-connected. In the language of the very famous philosopher Descartes: “I think therefore I am”. There is a strong sense of “I” in the human life nowadays. As soon as the “I” is touched, by then conflict and violence arise here and there.

Being inspired by this, it is important to learn in everyday life to see every experience from the eyes of the others. Take a look at weeds which are removed and disposed of by gardeners. For the gardeners, weeds are very annoying, but for the rabbits weeds are tasty foods.

The same thing happens in everyday’s life interaction. For old parents, teenagers who like to ride motorcycles at high speed is very frightening. But for teenagers, it’s their way to express themselves. For the villagers, city’s life is luxurious and beautiful. But for people who are boring to live in the city, village is beautiful and peaceful.

The same thing happen in family, work place, on the street which is always characterized by differences in perspective. And spiritual seekers will react much more calmly to differences when they learn to always being sensitive to signs.

The way people look at you, the position of their body, how warm they are in shaking your hands, the volume of their voice, the kind of words that they use, the way people bow at you when firstly meeting you, are some signs that should be recognized whenever interacting with people.

Nature often give honest mirror of the beauty of certain places. Flying butterflies, the wild birds which keep singing, the fishes in the pond which keep jumping, the children who keep playing and singing, beautiful rainbow in the sky, beautiful clouds are some signals that need to be recognized.

And these signs can be recognized easier when someone have fewer separating walls, always see everyday’s life from the perspective of the others, and learn to be well-connected with the beauty of daily life. And at the peak of the journey, one can rediscover life as a poetry of beauty.

Author: Gede Prama.
Photo Courtesy: Twitter @mjesusgz.

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