Friday 29 May 2015

Diamond of Compassion

Almost all people hate the troubling enemies. Some of them even run far away from enemy because their life have been deeply wounded. On the path of compassion, the story is different.

Every soul who always run away from the harming enemy, they will not grow much. The situation is similar to rose trees which move away from the sunlight. They do not only fail to bloom, they can even die.

In line with the story of rose trees, all the luminous souls in our age grow deep in the midst of troubling enemies. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned by his enemies for 27 years. Mahatma Gandhi grow in the middle of the British colonial history. Gandhiji was even shot to death by his enemy. His holiness the Dalai Lama lost his country many years a go.

The message is simple, as long as one is smart and intelligence to grow in the midst of the troubling enemy, the presence of enemy does not destroy the growth of the soul, on the contrary they make one's soul shines even brighter.

One of Nelson Mandela's spiritual legacy which is often cited by many people is like this: "I was also doubtful at the beginning, but I never give up. Until one day the window of freedom was completely opened".

Friday 22 May 2015

Nectar of Peace

Some friends whose life are very complicated asked this question: "where should I take refuge?". Similar to young generation who have problems with their computer, whenever they are no longer able to fix it, then they stand up from the chair, and let the older brother fix the computer.

In the same way, whenever life appear to be very complicated, all the way out seem like hitting the wall, learn to step aside from the chair of mind, then let the Buddha (by which read: clarity) within who take over the issue.

Quoting research in neuroscience which deeply study the human brain. The weigh of brain only two percent of the entire weight of the body, but the brain consumes about twenty percent of all energy that is needed by the body. This happens under the normal circumstances. When life is very complicated, people tend to think too much, then the brain consumes the body's energy even more.

Friday 15 May 2015

Love Heals the Soul

When you are not in line with your boss, you can move to the other workplace. When you do not get along with the neighbors, you can move to the other house. However, when you have trouble with your children, or having children with special needs, you can not run away, the only way to follow is to transform it into the Path.

In order to help the parents of children with special needs from all over Bali to transform life into the Path, on wednesday May 13th 2015 more than a thousand of parents to the children with special needs gathered at Art Center Denpasar Bali.

The message that was delivered was simple, learning deeply to the soul wound within. Every spiritual friend who has passed through many pain, bow deeply into the pain, take refuge to the soul wound within, usually understand, there is a very beautiful lesson that is hidden behind the inner sacred wound. The beautiful lesson is simple, soul wound is very purifying and perfecting as well.

Soul purification happens when someone does not fight against the pain. On the contrary, learn to take refuge to the inner sacred wound. In a simple but deep language: "soul wound is a hidden Guru". For that reason, the first step in transforming the pain into the path is to see children with special needs as teachers who are here to purify and perfects the soul.

Friday 8 May 2015

Fountain of Compassion

Every spiritual friend who grows deep within, entering the territory of soft feeling, someday they will smile deeply with this message: "behind the pain that you experience for a long time is hidden the secret of who you are".

Hearing this message, a woman who has a long trouble with her mother then asked: "do the parents who harmed me over the years also hide a secret about me?". There are few things in life that we cannot choose, one of which is parent. When it comes to something that we cannot choose, the mirror is even more honest.

The material of contemplation then, is careful to put a meaning on the long wounded 
experiences. The way you put a meaning will determine whether those wounded experience will make the soul grow or collapse. Regarding the parents who injure the soul journey, it is advised to use them as a mirror that the soul need long journey of purification.

Friday 1 May 2015

Healing Anger

The energy within which is very frightening in our age is anger. Almost all human catastrophe like war, terrorism till suicide have strong roots in anger. Without a serious attempt to heal anger, the future will be full of clouds.

The topic of anger has been analyzed by many writers using different perspective. And it is difficult to deny, the deepest root of anger is the feeling of being incomplete. The last feeling which makes the teenagers look for boy friend or girl friend, it makes the adults search for treasure and positions.
Even in the spiritual world people are hungry of enlightenment.