Friday 27 March 2015

The Smiling Light

Being hungry for attention, being thirsty to be heard, that is the characteristics of many friends whose body and soul are seriously ill. In the moment when there is someone who provide themselves to listen and to pay attention, it is so obvious that the faces of the ill look brighter and fresher.

Ideally the one who perform this task is family. Sadly, many families have been very busy to pursue money. To many spiritual friends who are deeply ill, they have been given a message like this: "when no one gives you flowers of attention, learn to give yourself flower of acceptance".

In other words, whenever the environment is lack of attention, you still have a close friend who can take good care of yourself genuinely, and that person is yourself. And this can only happen when you take good care of yourself as well.

A woman who was not only recovered but also attaining the state of wholeness, she wrote a beautiful message like this: "when I love myself as it is, life blooms into a beautiful flower". This is not only experienced by this woman, it has been experienced by many inner inquirers.

To take good care of the garden, to raise animals, to sing and play with the kids are some of the ways which are suggested in this case. All spiritual friends whose souls have blossomed already will understand, when we take good care of people or other beings, we are not only lessen the other's burden, we also heal ourselves. In a much more beautiful language: " Laughter is the cheapest healer, love is the deepest healer".

Friday 20 March 2015

The Hug of Compassion

Many seekers on the path of light asked impatiently, how can we meet the light quickly? One of the beautiful way to meet the light is to see every being as light. This approach is called mirroring. It is similar to see a light in the mirror, the one who see the mirror also gets the reflected light.

After hearing this opinion, a woman asked impatiently: "do the liars also bring light to us?". Certainly, especially when one learns deeply after being cheated. Look at the characteristics of the liars, the way they lie to you. After deeply learning from this, the chance of being cheated next time is far smaller

With this perspective in mind, light seekers will meet mirror that reflecting light everywhere. Every beings you encounter keep reminding that you are light. Every beings keep ringing the bell of consciousness that you are light which grow in a body, you are not a body who are looking for a light.

Friday 13 March 2015

Garden of Enlightenment

 "Where is the true home?", that is the question of many spiritual seekers. Most traditional religions pointed into heaven after death as the true home. But in the age where science and technology have been such sophisticated, the dogma of heaven is no longer satisfying many seekers.

On the path of meditation in particular, heaven is not much discussed. The thing which attract many people is the home of enlightenment. As the terminology, enlightenment brings light to many darkness of confusion and ignorance. The question then, how people can return back to the home of enlightenment?

The unique characteristic of meditation journey, all things that are related with enlightenment are available inside. And the task of seekers is similar to a well-experienced gardener. Well-fertile soil, healthy trees, water, the sun are available within. The homework is only one, how to mix the unique elements within into a garden of enlightenment.

Friday 6 March 2015

The Kiss of Peace

"Why do women close their eyes when they are kissed?", this is the question of many teenagers. Every spiritual friends who grow deep in meditation know, the true beauty is hidden within. The outer beauty is merely the reflection of the inner harmony.

Sadly, very few of people in this age who can meet deep beauty like this. Most human beings fight against themselves. On the path of compassion, it is often heard a beautiful message like this: "be kind to those who harm you. They are fighting. And they do not fight against you, they fight agains themselves".

This explains why life is burning in many places. Hospitals are full, the victims of drugs increase significantly, the story of divorce and suicide are very touching. In short, very few of people who find the inner harmony recently. Most people are burning in the chaotic inner conflict.

As has been shared very often in meditation classes, there are many seeds of violence were planted within us. Family, schools, leaders, society planted countless seeds of violence in our inner life. That's why many people can be easily burnt simply because of small things.

At the level of healing, meditation keep teaching the approach of selective watering. Students are suggested to water only the seeds of peace. To put it clearly, surround yourself with people who support your peace journey. Every time the memory of violence appear in the mind, learn to smile to the bad memory, learn not to react in the forms of speech or action.