Friday 26 June 2015

Organic Garden of Peace

"What is the spirit behind spiritual seekers who hated demons and devils excessively?", a young man asked. Similar to the path of growth in school, at the beginning the spiritual journey is also very black and white. Students are prohibited to do this and that. Those who are in line are friends,  those who are not in line are opponents. But once spiritual seekers  grow older, they begin to see the spiritual life which is far beyond the box of black and white.

The same thing happen to meditation journey. Many friends keep fighting with themselves at the beginning. Norms, religion, belief, traditions  appear as the judges who make many novice keep fighting within. Guilty of the past, bad memory, the ideas of sin make the inner fighting even worse.

Friday 19 June 2015

Beautiful Silence

A woman whose soul is deeply wounded by her step mother asked innocently in meditation session like this: "in the time when I am deeply wounded by my step mum, is it ok if I just  keep quiet and spend time in silence?". It depends on what happen in the moment of silence. If in the moment of silence someone is burnt by anger and revenge, unintentionally they keep sending bad vibrations to both themselves and the others.

It is like throwing wastes into neighbor's house, your hands will be dirty as well. With dirty hands, as a matter of time you would be visited by flies which are also dirty. That's the logic behind why anger and resentment make soul journey become more miserable from time to time.

The story would be different if someone spend time in silence, at the same time they rest in the neutral position which is without blame and praise. Similar to see people in the village of developing nations who are very noisy with their sound system, drinking wine, creating troubles. On the one hand they never leave behind their village, the only place that they know is their village, on the other hand they do not go to the school.

Friday 12 June 2015

Surfers of Compassion

An intelligent young man who like to ask many questions one day raise a straightforward question like this: "is it true that soul home can only be found after death?". Certainly, but not the ordinary death, it is the death of the ego and small self. Once the ego and small self dies, by then the door of soul home will naturally opened.

Sadly, in this age almost all human activities magnify ego and small self. In the world of sports, school, sales, people are driven by trophy and prize winner. Even in the spiritual world many people compete each others in order to be called being better. The result then is predictable. On the one hand such kind of competition brings joy to limited number of people temporary, on the other hand of it brings suffering to huge number of people for a long time.

Friday 5 June 2015

Blooming Flower of Enlightenment

A young man asked, what was the name of spiritual seeker before he was born as Prince Siddharta? His name was Veshantara which means the one who let go everything. And he was right, Veshantara let go all of his wealth, both material wealth and spiritual wealth.

The spiritual legacy that is left by this history is simple, anyone who want to return back to the home of enlightenment, always remember learning to let go. Although you can not let go of great things, learn to let go little things.

This memory of letting go also appeared in the last seconds when Prince Siddharta was ready to attain enlightenment. As already noted clearly in history, when Prince Siddharta was ready to attain enlightenment, the devil Mara attacked him using many dark powers.

A professor from Oxford university beautifully summarized this experience like this: "in the moment when prince Siddharta accept the devil Mara as part of himself, not something separate from himself, at that momen he was a Buddha". In other words, learn to let go the concept of demon-God, then totally rest in the perfection of this moment.

Sadly, too many spiritual seekers who can not get out from the small cocoon of duality like bad-good, demon-God, wrong-right, mundane-holy. As a result, they are shaken by the waves of suffering forever.