Friday 29 December 2017

Home Above the Clouds

A burning hell, that’s how the restless souls look at emotions. Some rich celebrities in the West who committed suicide because of burning emotions. Summarized into one, the point is simple the pendulum of emotions keeps swinging. As the pendulum moves to the direction of joy, the restless souls tend to over-enjoy it. As a result, emotion being pulled back too hard to the right. In many cases, the emotions burn excessively.
To be honest, as soon as one deeply explores emotions, emotions can be a very important clue for the journey of the soul. It happened many times on the journey of deep souls, emotions can be the key to open many secrets. Let’s begin to explore negative emotions first, then learn deeper about positive emotions. And the secret is hidden above both of them.

Friday 22 December 2017

Rich Souls

Reading the very intensive news about a very high government official who is being forced to the court because of corruption brings a lot of empathy. Especially because someone with such a high rank and a high dignity is chased like chasing a criminal. At the peak of his confusion and fear, he even experienced a dangerous car accident on the highway.

A similar story about rich people also happened in developed countries. A friend who is a psychologist in the United States shared his story, in the time of holiday months like December, the number of stressful and depressful people increases rapidly. Especially because in the holidays times, some people have to spend a long time together with family members whose spirits are extremely different. From a very demanding mother-in-law, until a brother-in-law who can only see bad things.

Friday 15 December 2017

The True Noble Soul

A friend from Jakarta asked with amazement after reading the news that there was a certain religious leader whose presence was refused in Bali through a demonstration: "How can such violence happen in a land of tolerance like Bali?". Whether you like it or not, that's the cycle of the times.

To be honest in every place and every religion there are burning souls as well as blooming souls. The dominant feature of burning souls is that they are shaken by the inner resistance. Any resistance that they make outside is just a reflection of the very disturbing rejection that has happened inside.

Friday 8 December 2017

Song of Peace from Bali

On the night of full moon December 3rd 2017 happened what the psychologist Carl Jung called as synchronicity (meaningful coincidences). News site posted burning news, quoting a US Senator Lindsey Graham who said "A nuclear war against North Korea is close". Especially because North Korea is ready for an intercontinental ballistic missile attack which can reach the US mainland".

At the same time, the UK-based website (home of the daily and sunday express) posted a very calming news story: "The eruption of Mount Agung Bali in 2017 will make the earth cooler for the next five years." The conclusion was made especially after a number of experts examined the volcanic materials sent by Mount Agung into space. In short, the accumulation of dusts and smokes sent by Mount Agung to the space will cover earth from the hot sunshine. 

Friday 1 December 2017

Transforming Dangers into Flowers

What most people feared finally came true, at the end of November 2017 Mount Agung really erupted. Thousands of refugees again should return to a new and painful chapter of life. No one is praying for a natural disaster. Nevertheless, disasters come again as a guest of life.

Accusing this and calling it as wrong, is certainly easy. But to transform every sadness into the ingredients of growth, that is the beautiful task of beautiful souls. In the midst of sadness, among the clouds of disaster covering the Bali sun, there is a soul who sees a flash of light: "Learn to see like the father sky, act like the mother earth."