Friday 27 May 2016

Walking Meditation

In the mind of many people, meditation is about sitting for a long enough time. Very few who are aware that every movement of life - from walking, eating, bathing, working, praying - can be transformed into meditation. As long as there is mindfulness, all movement of life, is a kind of meditation.

In the moment of eating for example, focus all energy of consciousness to the meal. Learn not to speak, keep trying to be at one with each taste in the mouth. And at the same time, realize that the nature of everything, is like a pair of wings. After a delicious taste there will come a bad taste. After sadness there will be happiness. This is exactly what we refer to as mindfulness.

Friday 20 May 2016

Anger as Angel

In the lives of most people, anger is the most hated spiritual enemy. Do not talk about the house of commoners, even the home of God can be destroyed by anger. Although there is no religion which justifies anger, followers of religions are full of anger everywhere . In addition, the amount of sacred verses that prohibit anger are countless.

Nevertheless, there are no signs that human anger decreases between time periods. With all due respect to the other approaches, even during deep meditation, anger occurs because the energy of anger is much greater than the energy of mindfulness. In the lives of many people, as soon as someone is harmed, the energy of anger will take over the situations within a second, complete with dangerous actions and harmful words.

That is the reason why meditation has only one main task which is continuously strengthening the energy of mindfulness.  Before being touched by meditation, the mind is similar to a river which is full and overflowing (flooding). Everything is hit, everything is kicked, everything is washed away.

Friday 13 May 2016

The Window of Light

All soul travelers who are sensitive enough, understand that all people who make trouble and problems in public (over long periods of time), their souls are deeply wounded. Their anger is the way their soul wounds cry and are asking for help.

With this perspective in mind, we do not need to spread the new seeds of violence in society, we can allow the energy of compassion to bloom within. And above all, the moments when you are harmed are the golden opportunities to connect with the beautiful light within.

On the path of deep meditation in particular, whenever people hurt you, or you are visited by a bad memory from the past, quickly radiate the smiling light of mindfulness to the two objects of meditation. Firstly, emit the smiling light of mindfulness to the person who harmed you. After that, learn to emit the smiling light of mindfulness  to the soul wound within. At the same time, consider that everything simply appears and disappears, like clouds in the sky. Nothing is permanent. It is just karma that flows from one moment to the next. Identifying yourself like the clouds, like sadness and unhappiness, that is the seed of suffering. Keep witnessing the coming and the going of clouds, that's the seed of peace.

Friday 6 May 2016

The Smile of Joy

Whenever visiting  inland areas, rural areas, there is always the presence of sincere and touching smiles. The smiles hide beautiful light, the smiles bring touching flowers, the smiles whisper deep prayers. And the spirit that makes those smiles are different when compared to the spirit in the city, it is the spirit of sincerity. A series of spiritual gems which are very rare nowadays here on earth.

To be honest, a smile is more than just a curving of the lips. A Smile is the sign of many things. A smile is a bridge of friendship which connects you with others. A smile is a beautiful hug to the soul that resides deep within. A smile is a spiritual sign that someone is no longer a victim in life, on the contrary, one begins to be a master in life.