Friday 31 March 2017

Gem of Patience

There is no inner fire which is more dangerous than anger, there is no inner jewel which is more beautiful than patience. That is a message which is often shared in the community of beautiful souls. The following question is; how to extinguish the fire of anger and finally rediscover the inner gem of patience?.

In a simple but deep meaning, anger occurs because someone did not get something they like, or they get something which they did not like. And the last old framework of 'like and dislike' is the fruit of very long past conditioning. It can not be eliminated in a night.

Friday 24 March 2017

Peace In Each Step

In England there is an old story of a son who was handsome, rich, smart, loved by the parents, admired by his friends and the teacher as well. The child's name was Peter. But since he already had almost everything needed by a happy child, Peter got bored and went to the woods to meet a witch.

Friday 17 March 2017

Strengthening Soul Wings

A profound spiritual journey is not an easy journey. Suppose this path is easy, many people will join. However, since the beginning deep spiritual aspirants have always been limited. To invite people to join the spiritual journey, beginners are given candy representing that life can be peaceful and beautiful after joining a spiritual journey. Every deep spiritual traveler knows, when the spiritual journey appears to be easy and full of beauty, it's a sign that someone just grow on the skin surface.

Whenever the spiritual journey begins to grow deep, without asking and without praying, trials, temptations, shocks and attacks will come without you knowing when it will stop. The deeper a person grows, then the more often and the more threatening the attack will be. To those who are getting close to the spiritual home of peace they will increasingly experience many shocks. As examples, in our time, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lennon were shot dead.

Friday 10 March 2017

The Shining Wound

From the beginning-less beginning till the endless ending, the nature of life in samsara (suffering realms) is full of soul wounds. It is not only in the material world that suffering happens, even in the spiritual world there are many wounded souls. There are always life events that makes life full of wounds. And among the many reasons available, the narrow and the shallow mind is a very dominant factor in this regard.

It is the narrow and the shallow mind that make our soul easily wounded. In the life of commoners, soul wounds are almost always followed by darkness. Anger, resentment, hostility, hatred, violence and war are some forms of darkness that follow the wound. Some darkness was even passed on from one generation to the following generation.

And one of the most important duties of profound spiritual practices is to cut the last chain of darkness. Meditation, yoga and prayer are some of the ways available in this case. In the time when one's spiritual practice is so deep, the soul wound is no longer followed by darkness. Instead, the wound will be followed by beautiful Light.

Thursday 2 March 2017

The Beauty Parlor That Beautify The Soul

 Many mothers who complain bitterly about their sons whom they had loved so much, but at the end they are also problematical. Some Female students at meditation classes have told me, not only that her wealth is nearly exhausted, even her health was also running out to save her son who was exposed to drugs.  From this type of perspective it seems a dangerous conclusion appears that family life is hell.
In a vivid and light spiritual language, there are four levels of soul growth. Firstly, there are group of merchants of prayer and merchants of life. Not only do they bargain with God, they will bargain with whichever person they meet. If their request is fulfilled then they see God as good, if it is not fulfilled or even further more they are confronted with family disaster, then the face of God will be seen as an angry God. And from this group perspective, trials and temptations are nothing but God's wrath on human behavior. It is not entirely wrong actually, because this is also part of the growth process.