Friday 5 June 2015

Blooming Flower of Enlightenment

A young man asked, what was the name of spiritual seeker before he was born as Prince Siddharta? His name was Veshantara which means the one who let go everything. And he was right, Veshantara let go all of his wealth, both material wealth and spiritual wealth.

The spiritual legacy that is left by this history is simple, anyone who want to return back to the home of enlightenment, always remember learning to let go. Although you can not let go of great things, learn to let go little things.

This memory of letting go also appeared in the last seconds when Prince Siddharta was ready to attain enlightenment. As already noted clearly in history, when Prince Siddharta was ready to attain enlightenment, the devil Mara attacked him using many dark powers.

A professor from Oxford university beautifully summarized this experience like this: "in the moment when prince Siddharta accept the devil Mara as part of himself, not something separate from himself, at that momen he was a Buddha". In other words, learn to let go the concept of demon-God, then totally rest in the perfection of this moment.

Sadly, too many spiritual seekers who can not get out from the small cocoon of duality like bad-good, demon-God, wrong-right, mundane-holy. As a result, they are shaken by the waves of suffering forever.

One day there was a rich merchant who had a single son he loved. As soon as he returned home he found his house was burned down by the robbers. In one corner of the burnt house, there was a pile of ashes that resemble the body of a child. Then the merchant took the ashes and worship it as if he keep praying to his only child.

Some years later, in early morning his son could escape from the robbers then he knocked the door of his father. As soon as hearing the voice of a child who claimed to be his son, this merchant immediately refused to open the door, because he was so convinced that his son was dead already.

This story is the story of many spiritual seekers whose minds are deeply covered by the dust of duality. Even when the truth comes knocking the door they still refuse to open the door of mind. That is why, at the level of perfection meditation means to take a deep rest in the perfection of this moment.

Through the deep practice of resting at this moment, meditators learn to let the streams of emotions, thoughts, body flow as natural as possible. The task of meditators is simply to be the witness. In the language of Tulku Thondup (The healing power of the mind): "accepting without blaming, that is the true turning point of healing". And at that turning point there is the possibility that someone can get out from the cocoon of duality.

When the soul can totally get out from the cocoon of duality, by then everything is clear and clean. There is nothing, there is only a river of energy that flows following it's natural law. Perfectly flow with the flow of energy, that is the blooming flower of enlightenment. Quoting from one of Tibetan proverb: "like rain fall in the ocean, there is no increase, there is no decrease in the amount of water".
Author: Gede Prama
Photo Courtesy: Twitter@brightnewvensa
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