Friday 22 April 2016

Angels Without Wings

In a situation where you don’t get along with your boss, you can move to another place of work. If you have big problems with your neighbors, you can move to another house.
When you have many obstacles with your spouse, there’s the option of getting a divorce. However, if you do not fit in with your children, you can not run away from them. The only beautiful option that is available is to view them as profound spiritual teachers.

The naughty children for example, are deep teachers of patience. A series of deep lessons that cannot be given by holy teachers or holy books. And this may happen, when the parents diligently and sincerely put children as angels without wings, who are here to elevate the parent’s soul.

As can be seen in many meditation sessions for teenagers especially, the inner energy which can make children open their soul windows, is the beautiful energy of total acceptance. When children are accepted unconditionally, there is the possibility of profound dialogues between child and parent. A series of dialogues which are not only enriching the souls of the child, but also enriching the souls of the parents.

The healing energy will be much more powerful when we combine the energy of unconditional acceptance with the energy of forgiving. As we all know, we (the parents) have passed the time of childhood, but the children have no ideas about being a parent.
The parents who have beautiful hearts know that the last combination between total acceptance and unconditional forgiveness can transform family into charming garden of light.

In this light of understanding, it is strongly suggested to all parents that they spend enough time with the kids. It is not the quantity of time that counts, but the quality of togetherness that we spend that matters. As you spend enough time with the children, you will see that the way they look at you will be totally different. There’s a sense of love, respect, thankfulness in the eyes of children.

In the moments when you spend time together, it is very important not to measure the children with the same measurement of parents. Learn to see children as children. Whenever the child appears to be naughty, ask yourself: “at that age, what did I do?”. Through such a compassionate approach, you will not only commit less violence to the children, but also send beautiful light to their future.

These deep feelings of being loved, being cuddled frequently, being forgiven, being accepted unconditionally will be left deep in the memory of the child. Later on, the last memory can function as the guiding lights in their long soul journey. Much deeper than that, this kind of soul lantern can be inherited to the grandchildren and the future generations.

To parents whose children are still very young, it is strongly suggested to spend enough time traveling together, playing together, eating nice food together, and other things that make children feel deeply that their childhood is happy and full of joy.

As is widely known by many well-experienced soul healers (and well-experienced parents as well), it is much easier to love children when they are still very young compared to taking good care of the adults who have a problematic soul. In a simple but profound language: “when you keep planting the seeds of forgiveness and acceptance in the soul garden of the children, the one who is first to bloom is your soul”.

To the huge number of children lovers have been shared a beautiful message like this: “children do not belong to the parents, children are seeds of light that come from the future”. And any one who takes good care of the last seeds of light through; accepting, forgiving and loving, are also preparing for their own bright future.

Author: Gede Prama.
Photo Courtesy: Twitter @brightnewvensa.
Proof Read by: Kirsty Spence.
Pesan Gede Prama dalam bahasa Indonesia bisa dibaca di atau fb Gede Prama’s Compassion

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