Friday 7 August 2015

The Healing Power of Gratitude

"When is enough enough ?", that is the classic question of humanity which is raised from a very old age. This question is asked from one generation to another generation without any final answer. The spiritual message is simple, the balance point where people feel enough is different from one generation to another.

Having met a lot of spiritual friends whose body and soul are deeply painful in meditation sessions, it is clear that all of them are very exhausted. Not only their physical body who are tired, their mind and their soul are even worse.

There are many reasons behind these exhausted souls. And one of the important reason is a deep feeling that something is lacking in life. Not only material life which make their life full of dissatisfaction, spouse, children, neighbors and even government and society also make them feel deeply dissatisfied.

As a result, they keep accumulating complaints over the years. Similar to accumulating wastes, if the waste is not processed then it will become a source of many illnesses. This is the reason why a number of people experience a very miserable old age.

Before it actually happens in your life, it is important to train yourself to feel enough. It can be started by feeling enough to anything that you currently have. How simple your material life is, how humble your education is, how complicated your family is, learn to feel enough.

One research indicating that in Western countries where economy, science, technology and knowledge have been such advance, there are increasing number of people who also suffer a lot. While in the underdeveloped countries people can not eat because of poverty, in well-developed countries the increasing number of people also can not eat.

They can not eat not because of poverty but because of fear. From the fear of the future, the fear of death, the fear that they do not get enough appreciation, as well as other fears. The significant increase in healthcare budget in well-developed countries is one of the important evident.

All of this is like a spiritual alarm to people on earth, learn to train yourself to feel enough, learn to develop gratitude in life. Gratitude does not only make life cool inside, gratitude is also a short bridge to spiritual connection.

A world-class football player once shared his own story like this: "when I was a small child I cried for days because my mother said there was no enough money to buy me shoes. I stopped crying when I saw there was another child who had no feet".

The main reason why people are very difficult to feel enough, because they keep comparing their life with those who are higher. To all spiritual friends who want to be healed and whole, it is worthy to look at the people who have lower life. Down below there are many people who are still struggling with their life. By learning from them, there is a sense of sufficiency, gratitude easily arise within. And most importantly, this is a wonderful way to plant the seeds of healing within.

Author: Gede Prama.
Photo Courtesy: Twitter @PurbaSr.


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