Friday 7 April 2017

Touching Smile of Soul

There are touching souls everywhere. The number of suicides, mental hospital patients, divorce and violence are all increasing in every corner of the world. But it is not a sign of threatening disaster, but an invitation of nature to share beautiful light. And among the many options that are available, a smile is one of the beautiful options.

While the smiling lips are characterized by curved lips, smiling souls have another sign. The first sign of smiling souls, they can easily forgive. They can even forgive the most threatening enemy. As it is often discussed among the beautiful souls, forgiving does not change the past. But forgiving will definitely change the present and the future.

As a pair of bird wings, forgiving is paired with a non judgmental mind. The less one judges the others, the easier they will forgive. As materials of contemplation, for the gardener weeds are annoying. But for the rabbits, weeds are delicious food. In other words, learn to be more tolerant to the others, learn to give space to differences in the mind.

For the mature souls, differences are colors that can be processed into a beautiful rainbow. The reason why God created a lot of differences is to let people know and learn from each other. A kind of spiritual skill that can only be done by deep souls.

The second feature of a smiling soul, they have a lot of things in life which are worthy to be thankful for. From the healthy body, the growing family, until the neighbors who do not like to interfere. For this kind of soul, even bad luck and misfortune are worthy to be thankful. On the one hand it makes a person pay the karmic debt, on the other hand, taking some parts of the world's suffering.

As nutrition of the soul, the beauty of the parents who broke up, they bring pain that can make a person build a wonderful family later. The good side of ever sexually abused in childhood, it is a strong guide to take good care of sexual energy that makes life dangerous.

The positive impact of gratitude will be much more powerful if one do it in open nature. The healing and peace impact will be much greater. Quoting from certain research, when people are grateful in the open nature like a garden, lake, beach, the stress hormones in the brain decreased until 800%, a part of DNA which serves to cure the body improved in a convincing way.

The third sign of a smiling soul, they rest in perfect silence. In a simple but deep language, when all the bad and the good, the dirty and the holy, the wrong and the right look useful and meaningful, then the tongue has nothing to say. No more words.

From such deeply silent souls then nature will get a neutralizing energy. It is similar to the darkness that miss light, it is like hot weather that invites rainfall, or a dry garden that deeply misses fresh water. The closest symbol in this case is the trees.

In the deep quietness, trees processing the toxic carbon into the needed fresh oxygen. The same thing happens with the silent souls. In perfect silence they transform the toxic suffering of the world into the oxygen of peace. That is why, staying near the silent souls is similiar to sitting under the old and cool trees. The atmosphere is full of peace and harmony.

Author: Guruji Gede Prama.
Photo Courtsey : hdwallpapersrocks.
Proofread By Kirsty Spence

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