Friday, 26 August 2016

The True Light

"It's enough to meet the light, it's time to emit the light"

A spiritual friend from Jakarta who firstly join our meditation session in the North of Bali in August 2016 came with a feeling of deep gratitude. He said honestly that when we meditate together in the morning, he saw a very beautiful bright light moving from the north, then fall slowly not far from the garden where we meditate.

The experience of seeing the light when meditating has been experienced by many people since long ago. The guiding message then, never let the appearance of light act as a reason to enhance the ego and selfishness. Do not ever think that you are better and higher than everyone else after seeing the light.

 If the appearance of the light strengthens the ego and selfishness, then the presence of light does not make the soul journey brighter. On the contrary, the presence of the light makes the soul journey darker and darker. And this is against the law of nature. As we all know, as soon as the light is presence, then the darkness is absence.

One of the holy teachers from the past, who explained the appearance of light in a very elegant way, is Kabir. In one of his works Kabir wrote like this: "the light appeared only a few seconds, but the light changed me into a humble servant forever". This is how the appearance of light should be concluded.

As reported in the medias, violence  is presence here and there, the suicide rate is increasing steadily everywhere, no one can stop the divorce rates all over the world, in certain parts of the world people even destroy holy places. There is some evidences indicating that darkness is presence everywhere. And darkness is not here to destroy the light. Instead, darkness is here to make the light shines even brighter.

Being guided by the spirit like this, let's learn to use the appearance of light in the sky as the mirror of the true light which is located in the heart. Similar to seeing the beautiful face in the mirror. Do not spend too much energy on looking at the image in the mirror, but spend more energy on cleaning your true face.

Not too far from the time when the friend from Jakarta saw the appearance of light in the sky, a disciple of Osho came as a guest in twitter and shared a message like this: "Sex is the lowest form of love, helping and serving is the intermediate level of love. But compassion which is willing to suffer for the happiness of the others is the highest form of love".

This is a great and a meaningful coincidence. It's time to use the appearance of light in the sky  to deepen the inner compassion. Not the kind of compassion which is spoken, but the sort of compassion that's diligently done in everyday life.

 The guiding principle is simple, the best option is to help, if you can not help at least do not harm. Any spiritual seekers who practice these principles in everyday life, will become a walking light, not in the sky, but here on earth. Not only the sincere helping hands share the light, even a small smile on the lips is also emitting the light.

 And it is not a coincidence that the peak of meditation session in August 2016 is on Wednesday (in Balinese language Wednesday means Buddha), as well as the date falling on August 17th 2016 which is the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. The message is simple, while in the old past being independent means being free from darkness, in recent times being independent means being full of light.
 "Darkness is not here to destroy the light. Darkness is here to make the light shines even brighter"

Author: Gede Prama
Photo Courtesy: Twitter @Drc_19
Proofread by: Kirsty Spence

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