Friday, 5 August 2016

Peace, Peace, Peace

"In the ancient time, one is called a hero because of the courage to destroy others. In recent time, one is called a hero because of the courage to love others"

"Worshiping the unseen, but destroying the seen", that's the spiritual practice of many suffering souls who commit a lot of violence. And we are not just talking about common human beings, even in the holy places violence happens. It is deeply sad of course, but sadness is not a seed of violence. Sadness is an invitation to sprinkle the holy water of forgiveness and compassion to every fire of violence. 

This kind of attitude is needed, especially because there are suffering souls presence all around. While people in developing countries can not eat because of poverty, an increasing number of people in rich countries also can not eat. Certainly not because of being poor, but they can not eat because of excessive fear that leads to health problems. 

A spiritual friend who works in a super luxurious and super expensive cruise ship shared a story, some of the super rich people from super rich countries often ask for boiled eggs at breakfast. Sadly, some of the boiled eggs are returned back because they could not eat. The lesson is simple, the poor people suffer due to shortages, the rich person suffer because of the fear of losing. 

And similar to the darkness that invites the coming of light, the burning suffering everywhere invite as many souls as possible to share the fresh air of coolness. You don't need to wait to be great and famous. Simply focus on something that could be done in our respective environments. 

A western lady in Ubud, Bali, kept feeding wild dogs everyday. She has been doing it for years. When she was asked what the result was, this middle aged woman replied beautifully like this: "the greatest gift of love is love itself". 

In other words, anyone who keeps loving and helping, will actually embody love and kindness deep within their heart. When love and kindness are born within, the first soul who is cool and beautiful is not the others, but the one who practice it.

In the southern part of earth (Australia), there was a grandmother who celebrate her 100th birthday. Even though her husband died 48 years before, and she never get married again, she was always happy. When she was asked what was her secret, with an innocent gaze this grandmother muttered: "when we take good care of life, life will take good care of us". 

That's the reason why the grandmother always water the garden every time she gets up early in the morning, feeds the cat everyday, takes good care of all the belongings of her late husband, she often invites her grandchildren to enjoy her homemade cakes.

The guiding message is simple, life is similar to a spiders web, it is all connected. What is done there will vibrate back. Someone who likes to share a smile will get a smile. Any heart who loves to share the light, they will receive the light. Anyone who likes to hug will be hugged back. 

Any inner seekers who understand and apply this deeply, will one day not only find a cool and gentle life, but also be able to share the coolness and the softness inside with the world. A kind of aura that is strongly needed in this world which is full of fire all around. As soon as one arrived here, every breath keep whispering the word peace, peace, peace. 

"One touching attitude send more light than million people who have bad attitude"

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