Friday, 15 July 2016

The Most Beautiful Crescent

"Souls who never smile" is the dominant characteristic within friends whose lives are in trouble. Life appears to be full of problems. There are no flowers, there is only anger. In some cases, this anger and problems which has been accumulating for years, changes into dangerous diseases that can kill.

To be honest, these are sad stories that can easily touch the heart. However, it does not mean it can not be repaired. In the ancient times, the relationship between the physical body (biology) with the subtle body (psychology, spiritual) was not very clear. But in our time, the world of research has helped us to make the last relationship very clear.

Borrowing the scientific discovery of researchers in the world of neuro-science who deeply studied at the human brain, the brain weight is about 2% of the weight of the physical body. But the brain consumes more than 20% of the energy. It simply means, the brain can take a lot of energy which should be allocated to the other organs of the body.

In the discussion sessions of our meditation classes, it is very clear that friends who have dangerous disease like cancer, they tend to think too much. They never feel satisfied, they have no seed of thankfulness, they keep protesting, many conflicts happen here and there. And it is far from easy to help them change from more thinking into more flowing.

The habit of thinking too much is already deeply rooted in their soul. But it is not too late, there is always a chance to change. Quoting the research of a world-class biotechnology expert Professor Kazuo Murakami in his book "Switch", laughter and smiling are very powerful steps in the process of healing.

In one part of his book, Murakami explicitly wrote: "in the moment of illness, optimistic mind and positive emotions like happiness provide a better therapeutic effect than pharmaceutical medicine". In the old age, the story that smile heals only circulared in the spiritual world. But nowadays, it has been clearly discovered in the rooms of biotechnology laboratories.

More than just healing, smiling can also change people deep into the genes. While the popular view said that genes are fixed and can not be changed. Murakami found in his long and deep research that genes can be changed. And among a number of ways to change gene - from changing the environment until the perseverence to pray - the most convincing step is to smile.

In some parts of his book "Switch", this well-known Japanese professor mentions that smiling can turn on the switch gene. As a result, life can change significantly. Not only that pain and illness can be transformed into health, even family background which is full of failures can be transformed into success.

The last conclusion is not only found in the laboratory, but it is also found in the personal interaction with a number of world class figures such as HH Dalai Lama to the victims of a train crash. The point is simple, life may grow toward the most difficult circumstances, but never tired of training yourself to smile.

Initially, to smile when life is hard is like lying to yourself. But once the smile grow deep, there is a soft feeling inside. As it is often repeated here in this forum, smiling is not only curving lips, but also a beautiful hug to the soul inside. While sky has crescent, human beings have a smile. While a crescent in the sky only appears at certain times, people can share a smile every time they want.
Author: Gede Prama.
Photo Courtesy: Twitter @talktomeanytm.
Proofread by: Kirsty Spence.

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