Friday 1 July 2016

Rainbow of Souls

One day a friend who had a brilliant career was invited to attend a very luxurious dinner at a super luxurious restaurant in Jakarta. Since the host brings his wife, this friend is also suggested to bring his wife who has never come to such a place before. Unfortunately, while most people call the super fancy restaurant as beautiful paradise, to the wife such restaurant is similar to a hell.

Especially because there is table manners, everything is well-organized, there are times when people can speak there are times when people should enjoy the food. Do not talk about social manners at the top level. It is even much more complicated to this lady. Such complicated combination makes this beautiful wife had to say goodbye to a super fancy restaurant.

The story of couples who grow toward a very different direction happen everywhere. In the above story, the husband had a very brilliant career, which made him have to hang out at the top. While his wife is very happy by being a common housewife living at home.

At this point of intersection family is entering dangerous phases. Some people decided to divorce because the differences cannot be bridged, some others still live together, but every day they plant the seeds of disease through protests and conflicts. But very few of souls who are aware that at this point of intersection souls are called to be back home.

Not returning to the home of death, but returning to the beautiful home of differences. In the world of luminous souls, providing space and a place for the people we love to grow according to their natural calling is a great spiritual blessing.

It does not only heal people we love, it also heals the person who loves. Initially there is strong resistance inside, sometimes even painful. Mainly because spouse no longer supports the growth of our careers. But if the pain is allowed to be a spiritual guide, by then the soul can possibly grow in the direction of light.

One of the beautiful blessing of differences is to make the space of understanding in the mind widening from day to day. In the life of dangerous souls whose family are broken, their mind is very narrow and shallow. Once the partner looks slightly different, they feel deeply disturbed inside. That's why they chose to fight and finally suffer.

But for the luminous souls, finding the fact that the closest person in our lives turned out to be very different, it is a moment to turn on the switch. Namely the switch to appreciate and respect differences. Similar to the real switch, as the switch is pressed there is a light that lit up inside.

Anyone who diligently and sincerely turn on the switch of differences (by which read: sincerely accepting differences, consistently guiding spouse and children to grow according to their natural calling), one day they will find a very beautiful light deep in the soul. That's the light which is strongly recommended by all religions. It is the light of unconditional love.

Once the light of unconditional love shines deep in the soul, it is not the loved one who gets the greatest spiritual blessing, but the loving souls. Moreover, it is the spiritual steps like this that can transform family into a rainbow of souls. While the rainbow in the sky appears just a few moments to share beauty, the latest rainbow of souls will share beauty in a much longer time to a much more souls. And to be honest, this is the deepest spiritual practices that can be done in the world of family.

Author: Gede Prama
Photo Courtesy: Elspeth McLean
Proof Read by: Bellofpeace

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