Friday 21 August 2015

Song of Healing

The story of a teenager who jump from the third floor of a school until he died simply because of having problem with his girl friend, has become head line news in Bali in the mid of August 2015. The spiritual message is simple, when the unstable mind meet the unstable environment, by then dangerous spiritual accident like suicide can happen.

The unstable environment is not an object to criticize this or that, but rather an invitation to emit the light and to deepen the prayers. If such spiritual accident could happen in the island of Bali which is admired by the world, it simply unimaginable what is actually happen in some corner of the world which is very dark.

Once again, this is the right time for the luminous souls to share the light to the world. And among so many alternatives that available, kind deeds are wonderful way to emit light. If you can not feed the poor, why don't you water the plants. If you can not help a lot of people, why don't you feed the street cats.

Another option, be careful with the uses of words. Words are not just a means of communication, words can be part of the darkness, or it  can be part of the light. Complaints and protests are forms of words which spread darkness. Thankfulness, gratitude and sincere prayer are few examples of words which are parts of the light.

Deeper than actions and words are thoughts. A field from where actions and words grow. One whose mind is beautiful tend to produce beautiful words and beautiful actions as well. That is why meditation concentrate on training the mind.

The unstable mind  as the cause of dangerous spiritual accidents such as suicide is the fruit of a long karma. In the studies of karma have been clearly written, those who often drink or consume beverages or foods that weaken the consciousness such as alcohol, drugs and the like, in the next life they tend to have a very unstable mind.

In the language of meditation, the unsteady mind is like flood in the river. Anger, hatred, revenge, offense and resentment are examples of mind which is like flood. Under the guide of meditation, this unsteady mind is trained to swim to the bank of river. Especially through deep practice of being a compassionate witness.

When sadness comes, simply smile as a witness. When happiness comes, simply smile as a witness. The same thing happen to mind, when you think that your are right or wrong, simply smile as a witness. That's exactly how to swim to the bank of river.

For spiritual seekers whose mind is very unstable, very sensitive and can be easily wounded are advised to be close to the symbols of nature that continuously share the spirit of joy. Singing birds, jumping dolphins, playing children, blooming flowers and rising sun are some examples of joy that available in nature which is ready to be accessed.

Learn to be well-connected with those energy of joy, feel deeply grateful and thankful. In a simple but deep language: "If you have only one word in prayer, thank you is more than enough". Any friend who deeply grateful and thankful in their daily life, each breath is a song of healing.

Author: Gede Prama.
Photo Courtesy: Twitter @AcWgst.

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