Friday 3 April 2015

The Smile of Compassion

Almost everyone run away from the harming enemies. There are very few souls who can see the glowing diamond behind enemies. And the last diamond can be found when you are patient and tolerant enough to the enemies. Any souls who are tolerant enough in this case, one day they will see beautiful light appear from within.

In the depth of the deep ever heard a beautiful message like this: "be kind to the harming enemies, they are here to make your heart beautiful". Sadly, most people only see tragedy behind the harming enemy, very few who see an opportunity of being beautified.

The main reason why enemies are recommended to be treated well, they are beautiful hands which are borrowed by the Guru to soften the heart. It is impossible for holy books, holy Guru to hurt you. But to soften the heart one need sandpapers of pain and wound.

And the sandpapers of suffering  are presence through the hands of harming enemy. If you contemplate much deeper, the enemies are deeply kind to you, they are even willing to go to hell simply  to make your heart glowing.

Being illuminated by this light of understanding, learn no to run away from the enemy. Whenever the enemy come to you and hurt your heart, focus the whole energy to see the burning fire within, not to chase the enemy who wound you.

Chasing the enemy who create troubles to you is similar to chase people who burn your house. As soon as you return back, the house is totally burning. The same thing happen to the burning heart.

Instead of chasing enemy, use your inner nurturing energy to embrace the wounded heart. Whenever heart is burnt by anger and revenge, visualize a crying baby within. Then beautifully hug the crying baby within, give the pain a smile understanding and emit the light of awareness as well.

Embracing the pain means to accept  pain as it is. Giving pain a smile of understanding means to understand the inner wound completely without any judgment. Emiting the light of awareness means to realize that pain is naturally appear for a moment and finally disappear.

Anyone who practice diligently to heal themselves like this, one day they will understand, the greatest healing energy comes from within. The last energy appear in the forms of energy of awareness and carefulness.

The task of meditation in this case is only one, how to make the energy of awareness and carefulness getting better and better from day to day. Once the last energies are greater than the negative energy like anger, by then life transforms itself into a smile of compassion.

Author: Gede Prama
Photo Courtesy: Twitter @r22i12.

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