Friday 21 November 2014

The Smile of Light

"I'm restless Guru, please save my life", that's the message of one meditation student. The same thing also happens to many restless souls in this age. If you cannot be a savior to yourself, any teacher will not help much.

Learning from deep stories of many meditation students, the root of fear and anxiety is life which is jumping from one extreme to the other extreme. Some people excessively satisfying their desire in indulgence, after finding nothing 
there, some even experience dangerous life such as drugs, then they jump into the other extreme in the form of ascetic life such as fasting excessively.

Similar to the movement of pendulum, the harder soul is pulled into one extreme point, the harder it will return back to the opposite extreme. Any one whose spiritual eyes are opened knows, the aura of souls who are drawn in indulgence is the same as those who excessively repress themselves.

Both keep very dangerous fire inside. Those who repress themselves are similar to inner volcano which is ready to erupt. Those who over satisfy their desires are similar to the burning fire which is ready to destroy all.

That is the reason why all meditation friends who want to get divorce are not allowed. Mainly because divorce will make one move from one extreme to another extreme. Beside, immature soul will attract immature soul. The suggestions then, learn to make soul more mature first. One of the important step, stop jumping from one extreme to the other.

In line with the last spirit, meditation is often referred as the path of the middle. It is neither over expression nor over repression. To put it more concrete, whatever happen at this moment (eating, drinking, working, praying, driving, etc.) learn to use it as a bell of awareness to return back to the middle.

Whenever there are extreme things happen like the sound of loud motorcycle, car alarms, door slamming, learn to whisper to yourself like this: "I'm home". It means, to return back to the home of the middle. In this approach, soul is repeatedly guided to return back to the center.

Through in-depth practice like this, someone keep learning to get out from 
depression which is caused by the guilty feeling of the past, and also learning to go away from the anxiety of the future. As a result, soul rest in the middle called the present. It's in the middle then soul can meet home of light.

The simplest analogy is electrical light which synthesizes the negative and the positive. It is a spiritual message suggesting soul to rest in the middle. Anyone who frequently rest in the middle, will see signs in nature in the forms of light.

However, the light outside is only the mirror of the true light inside. Once the light rise within, 
the darkness of fear and anxiety is naturally dispelled. Some of meditation students asked, what are the forms of inner light? Love is the song of light, peace is the smile of light.

Author: Gede Prama
Photo Courtesy: Twitter @Gtwit45
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