After arriving at the edge of the village where Nasrudin lived, this rich person complained how his life became such complicated, chaotic and far from peace. Without giving any answer, Nasrudin suddenly rob the bag of this rich person which has been carried wherever he go, then Nasrudin run quickly.
Consequently, this stressful man was panicked, confused, angry and then chase Nasrudin from behind. Suddenly there was a funny scene that happen in the village. All villagers know who Nasrudin is, that's why they just get laughed. Having tired of chasing Nasrudin, this rich man then sat down and wept sadly. At the peak of his sadness, suddenly Nasrudin return his bag complete with the precious belongings within.
The lesson of this story is simple, in order to understand the light of peace one need the darkness of unpeacefulness, in order to understand joy one need sorrow. Both are inseparable pair. All chaos of life start here, people just want peace and do not want unpeacefulness.
In the previous story of the rich, nothing has changed. The same bag, the same wealth, the same man. The only thing that change is only one which is the quality of his mind. As soon as the rich man passing through a deep sadness, he then enters a deep happiness.
The journey to enlightenment is similar. Commoners are subject to the law of gravity (being pulled down), the enlightened beings naturally enters the law of levitation (being lifted). The sign is simple, in the law of gravity people are gripped by a chaotic duality such as sad and glad. In the law of levitation, someone live light life. Similar to the evaporating water, the steam will naturally rise effortlessly.
Journey from water into steam requires a lot of heat. Psychologist Carl G. Jung called it the dark nights of the soul. It is similar to the story of the rich previously, life is full of confusion, sadness, chaos. Everything is simply not clear. At this point, someone needs sincerity and surrender. In the hand of genuine teacher like Nasrudin, the soul then was burned like boiling water. If someone is sincere and surrender, in the right time soul will evaporate.
A mystic was once asked whether he believed in God or not. Without waiting too long, he immediately replied: "I believe in God". The real issue is not whether there is God or not, but God is the most absurd (unclear, illogical) figure in nature. Once someone dare to enter the territories of the absurd, they are leaving cleverness, cunningness, narrowness behind.
As a result, the soul enters the hot and burning territories. In this stage, again and again one should return back to sincerity and surrender. For mature soul who has grown deep into insight, they know that sincerity and surrender are the healthiest seeds of peace.
Author: Gede Prama
Picture Courtesy: Twitter @Forlife337
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