Friday 12 September 2014

Flower of Love

One day a scientist in London will deliver an important speech. Sadly, he woke up too late. On the way to the seminar, he called a cab. As soon as he sit in the cab he immediately ordered the taxi driver: "please make it fast". After the taxi go very fast for one hour, the taxi driver asked back: "master where are you going?".

To be honest, this story is the story of modern life. Everywhere people move such quickly. And after body is sick, family is broken, children have many problems, some even being jailed, then people begin to understand that life run quickly but to the wrong direction.

In the spiritual world, there is distinction between ego trip and spiritual trip. Ego trip is characterized by a feeling of being bigger from day to day. On the other hand, spiritual journey is marked by a feeling of being smaller from day to day. The feeling of being great creates a heavy soul. As a result, one follows the law of gravity (being pulled down).

On the spiritual journey, as one feel smaller and smaller from day to day the soul then becomes increasingly lighter from time to time. Consequently, one follow the law of levitation (being flown up to the top). This explains why the true seekers tend to be humble, they love to bow their soul. Not because they want to be called humble. Once again not. But because this self is really small. Do not compare it with God and nature, even in comparison with a small island self is very small. 

The peak of the journey of small self is called silence. In meditation, the path that is followed is by being a witness. It's neither good nor bad. There is also an approach which suggests to feel inner thoughts and feelings completely. While the witness take the same distance to all kind of thoughts and feelings, the latest approach learn to feel it completely without negative and positive.

Whatever approach to follow, the result is a clear and clean mind. Similar to water that is calm for a long time, everything looks clean and clear. Not only family and friends are clear, even the most painful enemy also looks clean and clear. Quoting from a Zen teacher: "there is no difference between the sound of bird’s song and the sound of the cursing neighbor".

A meditation student asks, at the level of silence, is it possible to someone  to have stress and depression? Depression occurs because someone lives in the past. Suppose I get married to my first boyfriend, suppose I did not choose these majors, suppose my parents did not go bankrupt, that is the characteristics of the depressed soul.

Meanwhile, people who are restless and uneasy live in the future. Will the children remember me later as I grow old, who will pay my medical expenses when I grow old, if I die later who can guarantee that I will not go to hell?.

As soon as someone enters the gate of perfect silence, both the past and the future are like the images that appear on the TV screen. And the colors of screen remain the same. This is a life which is fully presence to the present. In the East it is called Shunya. The state of inner quietness and silence. Friends who are God devotees will summarize it in this way, when we are absence then God is presence.

On the path of meditation it's often heard an opinion like this: "Love is the flower of silence". Love is a flower that blooms in the garden of silence. When mind is clear and clean, then naturally flower of love will bloom.  It is as natural as honey which is sweet, it is as natural as flowers that invite butterflies. Back to the beginning story of life without direction, this is the direction that is followed by beautiful souls.

Author: Gede Prama
Picture Courtesy: Twitter @forlife337
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