Friday 15 August 2014

Love Beautify The Soul

When Nelson Mandela passed away few years ago, the world lost one of beautiful light. In the time when Lady Diana died years ago, billions pairs of eyes in the world cried. There is no other story behind this except the story of beautiful souls.

Any heart who bloom in beauty knows, an encounter with beautiful souls can easily make tears drop. In the language of Karen Armstrong, whenever soul feel the presence of beautiful souls, there’s a feeling of being uplifted. And one of the sign is tears drop.

The question then, what make beautiful souls such luminous? In the East people widely know the reincarnation of sacred spirits who come to earth to share the light. In Hindus they’re called Avatar who is the reincarnation of God. In Mahayana Buddhism they’re called Bodhisattva who take a vow to continuously rebirth until samsara is empty. In the West people know angels.

Whether the light is innate, or it is developed here on earth, it is hard to deny that there is beautiful fragrance of love there. A close friend who ever meet HH the Dalai Lama share an experience, simply looking at his face alone, this friend cried. Observing the body language and the eyes of HH the Dalai Lama, there is no other light there except love.

It raises a curiosity, is it possible to the ordinary people to have souls which glow? Any spiritual friends who understand energy know that energy is contagious. Sadly, the negative energy can easily and quickly contagious, and the positive energy spread in a very slow and difficult way. But there is no other choice for the souls who want to glow except infected the soul with positive energy.

That’s why in psychology it has long been heard that people are suggested to surround themselves with friends who can support their soul growth. School is actually intended to fill this need, family is also similar, as well as spiritual group. Unfortunately, intention is intention, reality is another matter.

For that reason, some serious spiritual aspirant turned into inner family. Similar to outer family which is contaminated by the environment, the inner family is also contaminated. And if one is diligent, sincere, not easily give up, inner family can help one grow toward the light.

Anger and revenge are forms of contaminated energy. Awareness and carefulness are pure energy within that can be awakened through deep practice of meditation. Once the last pure energy are more powerful than the energy of anger and revenge, by then the inner sun begin to rise.

Forgiveness is the early sign of inner sun rise. Accepting life as it’s is the following sign. Love is flower that finally bloom within. Once your soul arrive here, the light is not only belong to Avatar, Bodhisattvas or Angels, it also belong to your soul.

It is similar to the sun rise in the morning, it does not belong to certain people, it belongs to everyone. The same thing happens to luminous souls. They share the light to everyone without any exception.

Among the community of luminous souls it is often heard a message like this: “While ordinary people wait to be loved, luminous soul continuously plant the seeds of love”. Surprisingly, the one who keep planting the seeds of love through forgiving, accepting, helping, they bloom first. This is what this humble article called as love beautify the soul.

Author: Gede Prama
Picture Courtesy: Twitter@Drc_19.
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