This story is a classic and legendary story in the world of soul growth. It is as classic as the story of cocoon which hardly struggle to come out from their house then fly as a beautiful butterfly. The core message is simple, to make soul grow one should pass through countless grief and sadness. To attain enlightenment, the obstacles are even worse.
Sadly, it is unclear who started the story, grief is often called as a punishment, an error and even a sin. As a result, most people run away from sadness and losing the chance to grow into maturity, losing the opportunity to follow the path of enlightenment. That's the reason why one of spiritual friend concluded his work with the wonderful title: "Pain, the Gift that No Body Want". Pain is a blessing that is considered as suffering.
Anyone who are diligent and sincere to gently embrace the pain then understand, once sadness is gently hug by then soul learn to smile beautifully at all duality. Smiles to both pain and pleasure, sorrow and joy, blamed and praised. And as the electric light which shines as a result of combining both the negative and the positive, soul who gently embrace the sadness and the happiness also emit bright light.
One of the spiritual friend who radiates bright light had a beautiful conversation with bamboo. Bamboo can be strong and firm because of deeply rooted within. In the same way, the human soul can be strong and firm when learning to be deeply rooted within. Deeply rooted to the close friendship with life, having deep gratitude and profound thankfulness to life.
As a result of strong roots, bamboos grow convincingly into the light. Once they are close to the light, mature bamboos will naturally be humble. And the peak of bamboos journey, they are empty inside. A series of symbols which are very close to the experience of enlightenment.
It starts with a strong determination to rely on solid roots within such as gratitude and deep thankfulness to life. Sincerity and surrender then guide them to grow into the light. And the important sign of one who are close to the light, they will be very humble, especially because they have experienced directly (not intellectually understand), everything is empty.
Emptiness is often misunderstood as nothing. To put it simply, it is empty of ego and selfishness. When someone is empty of ego, they immediately say goodbye to the personal body which makes soul suffer. Once soul merge into the cosmic body by then soul bloom beautifully.
At the level of cosmic body, soul will have a direct experience that we are all well-connected. We are no longer separated by bad and good, wrong and right. In such connectedness, the only flower that beautifully bloom is love. As a result, the entire battle both inside and outside stop.
When all battle inside and outside stop, life then is transformed into poetry of peace. It is totally empty and does not leave anything behind. As the empty space which gives space to anything and anyone to grow, this emptiness is a symbol of the perfect love and compassion. That is the final conclusion of the story about bamboo of peace.
Author: Gede Prama
Picture Courtesy: windhorsetour.com
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