Friday 25 July 2014

Sacred Song of Harmony

A very clever student who learned meditation here and there is doubtful to the approach of accepting, flowing, smiling in meditation. With critical mind he asked: "Do we also accept ignorance in meditation?". Sadly speaking, it is not allowed to open the secret of Tantra to commoners in the wrong place and the wrong time. For that reason, this student is only suggested to meet Guru who is suitable to him.

Cleverness as Obstacle

In university, cleverness is highly valued. But when it comes to deep spiritual journey, cleverness is a serious obstacle. Stupidity is much easier to penetrate, especially because the feeling of being stupid then makes someone willing to learn and listen. Cleverness is the opposite. Clever person love to position themselves higher and then refuses to learn. In some cases, they made dangerous mistakes to the Guru.

Inspired by this, in the world of wisdom people continuously share this message: "Mind is like parachute, it does not function unless it is opened". At the certain stage of spiritual growth, some students are asked  to "jump" from a certain height. Without the parachute of open mindedness, they will certainly fall into very dangerous valley. This explains why a number of spiritual teachers and students experience very dangerous life.

This is also the idea why a number of students like Jetsun Milarepa in Tantra were deeply wounded by his teacher Marpa, simply to let Milarepa get out from his cocoon of cleverness. Naropa was a very clever student. He even managed to become a professor at a famous university called Nalanda. And when he learned from his Guru Tilopa, Naropa was also dangerously harmed by Tilopa, merely to make him get out from the cage of cleverness.

Cleverness as Bridge

One day there was a young clever person came to a teacher with a protest. The teacher gently asked this smart student to take a small glass, water, salt and spoon. Once everything is mixed, then the student is asked to feel the taste of water. And of course it is very salty.

Then the experiment was continued to a large pond. In the latest large pond this smart student was asked to put the same amount of salt. Having tasted the water, the water is no longer salty.

The lesson of this experiment is simple, small glass is like narrow cleverness. When there are little differences it can make people salty with their protest. That is the reason why they need the antidote of wisdom. Wisdom is often referred as cleverness which bridge. The sign is simple, when there are people who seem to be different, they are not always wrong. May be because our minds are still too narrow to be able to understand.

Life as Sacred Song

Only when mind is opened then one can easily give birth to a beautiful heart. Many friends on the path of meditation are often reminded with this beautiful message: "flowing mind and beautiful heart, that's heaven on earth". Suffering mind is similar to the frozen snow, peaceful mind is like the flowing river. 

And we all know that all flowing water in river flow into the ocean. In the same way, all flowing mind and beautiful heart flow into the same beauty. Love, kindness, compassion are ocean of the flowing mind and beautiful heart.

In this perspective, it is understandable why many holy person in all religions love to share the beautiful messages of love, kindness, compassion. And these beautiful messages can only be understood when the mind is opened first. Moreover, anyone who understand and embody love, kindness, compassion, naturally they can see that life is a sacred song of harmony. The sign is simple, everything in nature from the sun, moon, flowers, birds, playing children sing the same sacred song of harmony.

Author: Gede Prama
Picture Courtesy: Twitter@elmejorpaisaje

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