On the night of Full Moon at April 7th, 2020 after we pray together, suddenly appear in the sky a very beautiful light. It was photographed by many friends. It is no coincidence that these days many foreign media have been discussing “The mysterious immunity of Balinese citizens against the corona virus”.
Monday, 27 April 2020
Beautiful Path of Devotion
It has been written a long time ago in many old Tantric holy books this beautiful message: “Suffering is like a dry leaf. Sacred teachings are like sunlight. Devotion to the true Master is a magnifying glass placed between the two. So that the dry leaves of suffering can be burn out.” The following are guidelines for close friends in doing Namaskara (a form of devotion).
Dialogue With The Inner Peace

After passing the dark nights of the soul, Neale Donald Walsch had an inner dialogue. This dialogue is entitled “Conversation with God”. In an explicit Western world, such titles are common. But in the subtle and implicit Eastern world, such titles are avoided. Next is Guruji’s inner dialogue this morning at Ashram with the inner peace (IP).
Bali My Love
Not a few of the world leaders who called Bali as a heritage of world peace. The beautiful island is the last paradise to maintain the world peace. In connection to this, it is worth reflecting on the symbol of Udayana University as the oldest University in Bali. In the perspective of Buddhism, this symbol is similar to turning the wheel of Dharma.
Reading The Signs of This Era
It is rarely happens, humans can be made prone respectfully in front of nature. As it happened currently in the Corona virus era. This is a good time for us to contemplate the signs of all this.
The Bodhi Tree of a True Guru
When the soul pattern from the past, is married to a soul plan from the future, there will be born a beautiful spiritual baby named soul gift (blessing of the soul in the present). A sign that someone found his/her soul gift is simple, he/she began to stop. Not only stop looking for material power, they even stop looking for enlightenment. The only thing that does not stop is “a humble service for the happiness of other beings”
Learn To Be a Spiritual Warrior
The Journal of Harvard Medical School repeatedly mentions, one of the reasons why many elderly people are often get sick is because most of them are becoming out of balance and inflexible. Psychology has long suggested the importance of the sociobiome (a balance between being in solitude and in the crowd). In the spiritual world, balance and connectedness are a very beautiful combination that can save our live.
Guiding People to Get Back Up
Dawson Church Ph.D, an expert in energy psychology, in his beautiful book titled Mind To Matter tells us a bright light: “The human mind can change very small things like atoms and molecules, it can also change big things like society”. Certainly this is not just any random thought, but a thought that combines strong beliefs with also strong intentions.
The True Illuminating Self
Science is the contemporary language of mysticism. Science is the contemporary language of the mystics of this age. For that reason, let us find the true self that illuminates through contemporary knowledge. Refreshing the memories of what was told on FB live this afternoon Monday 6/4 2020. Guide yourself with the question: “Who is your true-self?”
From Bali for Humanity
In every place in the world, they have their own local genius (local intelligence). In an age when humanity is terrified with the corona virus, it is worth pondering on the local genius of the Bali island. As guided by the same spirit with the one who guides the roof of the earth – Tibet, Balinese people places the lower realms in a very respectable position.
Global Metamorphosis is Happening
When the cocoon life stops, beautiful butterflies are born. When this crisis stops, many beautiful souls will be born. That was a beautiful message that was heard this morning at the Avalokiteshvara Ashram where Guruji was living in North Bali. Signs of a beautiful soul that will be born simple.
Beautiful Lotus of Understanding to all Our Leaders
When I listen, watch and read that the leaders close the school, ask workers to work from home, to limit all activities outside the home, we ordinary people see it as a way the leaders love and care for us. To be precise, to keep the people healthy and safe.
Meeting The Inner God
Neale Donald Walsch once had an inward dialogue, then called that dialogue with Conversation With God (conversation with God). And to this day, Neale’s work is still very influential. By not referring to the following dialogue as dialogue with God, again it is not, this morning there was an internal dialogue. Between the questioner and the Inner Teacher (IT)
The Sunrise from Bali
“Science is the contemporary language of mysticism”, some says. It means, knowledge is the contemporary language of the mystics in this age. If the new generation is given a dogma about knowledge from the past, they are guaranteed to run away. But if old wisdom is “spoken” with contemporary knowledge, there is a possibility that old wisdom can share Light.
In order to survive from the corona virus
“When the corona virus suddenly enters our city, what should be done Guruji?”, as been asked by so many friends. Biologically, diseases easily enter the body whose immune system is impaired. So maintaining immunity is highly recommended. Mainly by maintaining good nutrition.
Social Media that Beautifies the Soul
The inventor of atomic bomb probably did not expect that his invention would take the lives of so many innocent people. Similar thing is happening now in our time. The inventor of artificial intelligence most likely did not expect at first that his invention would be used as a tool to spread mental terror. Unlike the terror caused by bombing that leaves its victims to die and disappear, the mental terror instigated by certain people through social media inflicted far more severe burden on families and the society.
Money That Brings Happiness
The author of “Zen Millionaire”, Ken Honda, once told a very sad story. One day when he was still a teenager, he saw his father crying hysterically in front of his mother. Of course Ken found it very strange, especially because he had never seen a Japanese man cry before. After things calmed down, his mother told him that his father’s business partner not only committed suicide, but also killed all of his family members merely because of financial difficulties. If in such a rich country like Japan there are horror stories related to money, we can imagine what happens in developing countries with limited financial capacity. In summary, there is a lot of energy of fear, anxiety, and destruction around money. If we don’t learn to be smart in front of money, money can kill a lot of people.
The Temple of Healing
“I dreamt of killing people many times, please help me Guruji.” This was a question coming from a young man. It’s an example of a person whose body does not become a temple of healing for the soul, but a garbage bin which disturbs the growth of the soul. In the West a secret is opened, even children have started to have cancer. In the state of Montana, United States of America, suicide for the elderly is legalized. These are a series of stories that ask us to ponder: how can we make the most beautiful body in the samsara realm (read: the human body) to become a sacred place of healing for the soul’s growth? A question that has been asked throughout ages. Borrowing Saraha’s findings: “Ultimately, my body is my ultimate temple”. For the enlightened soul, the human body is a very illuminating temple.
The Courage to Be Happy
“Have I ever been happy?” – that’s a very touching question from a friend. In an era with a higher average level of education, a question is usually a more honest reflection of one’s situation inside compared to an answer. This friend’s question tells a lot of things. First, his seeds of happiness are small and rarely nurtured. Second, he has grown in an environment that does not support seeds of happiness to blossom. Third, as a result of a long-term learning and conditioning process, this friend resembles a fish in the ocean that does not know what water is. Especially because life itself is actually happiness. Of course that’s only if a person nurtures the seeds of happiness inside and finds an environment that allows the seeds of happiness to grow beautifully.
Beautifying Nutrition for the Soul
“How do you take care of a family member who has been affected by cancer?” A very touching question from a teenage girl. Similar touching incidents have also been experienced by humans in materially super-rich countries. As has been widely reported, nowadays even children are affected by cancer, along with the fear it brings. Having been researched and explored by various parties, not a few researchers and cancer experts agree, this is a human characteristic in an era of high economic growth: “Over fed under nourish”. Humans eat too much food, but are lacking of nutrition. At the same time, there are many people with cancer who have succeeded in healing themselves through nutrition. Not a few health researchers agree with this conclusion: “The king is nutrition, the queen is good exercise and the crown prince is beautiful sleep”.
Compassion Spiritual Family News: Receiving Honored Guests from the United States (Part 3)
Kari Joys, a highly recognized psychotherapist and writer, together with her husband, recently visited the Ashram where Guruji lives. Their face and aura turned glowing after wearing Compassion Family shirts at the Ashram. This is not a story about changing one’s religion, because we never allow anyone to convert. This is a story about inviting people to evolve from an angry heart into a generous heart.
Spiritual Compassion family news: Receiving honored guests from the United States (part 2)
A conversation with an international writer, a psychologist with a long time writing experiences from the US named Kari Joys at the Avalokiteshvara Ashram in North Bali yesterday, turned out to be very soul-enriching. Later on, this conversation will be published in the form of a long video. Interestingly, when asked why the famous movie star Robin Williams and the famous singer Michael Jackson ended their lives in a very touching manner through suicide, this is the answer of a very beautiful-hearted therapist: “Not a few people cover up their inner pain by laughing and singing. The suggestion then, don’t cover up the pain. Meet the pain. Be your own best healer “. And the best way to become a healer for yourself is through self-acceptance. For our inner contemplation, a life that is always straight and smooth does not exist. Even holy souls are also injured. When you receive the pain that comes from childhood in particular, you are being a surfer who encounters waves. Become a kite that meets the crashing wind.
Spiritual Compassion family news: Receiving special guests from the United States (part 1)
Those people who came to you, is telling you about your inner quality. If one that comes is a beautiful butterfly, it is an input that inside you have beautiful garden of soul. After serving the international public on the internet in general, Twitter in particular, it turns out there are famous psychologists from the United States who are interested in coming to Bali and want to learn from Guruji.
Compassion Spiritual Family News: The path of enlightenment for a Luminous soul
Refreshing our memories of FB live Wednesday 21-8-2019, if the spiritual beginners are advised to stay away from the poisonous tree of life, the adult souls are advised to take care of the poisoned tree, the luminous souls are advised to process the poison into medicine. From the poisons of suffering, mental injuries, chronic diseases, until the poisons of sexual misconduct. Sex in particular, it resembles high voltage electricity. There are two choices. Die by the electric shock or it can help the soul becomes very radiant.
Articles Spiritual Compassion family news: The Path of Enlightenment for the Mature Soul
Refreshing the memory of the recent Facebook live that life is like a poisonous tree. Beginners are advised to stay away from it. Learn to heal your own body, mind and spirit. But for the mature souls, you are advised to keep the poisonous tree of life from poisoning too many creatures of God. Especially in the path of service. From the bottom of my heart this must be told, serving opens a window of very deep understanding. A series of meanings that cannot be given by holy books and meditation. After serving the community for decades with the Compassion family, there have been many doors to deep understanding opened.
Spiritual Compassion family news: The path of enlightenment for beginners
Refreshing the memory of the recent Facebook Live, for beginners, enlightenment is a healthy body and a safe soul journey. To ponder together, in a rich country such as the US, every 3 minutes a person is being diagnosed with cancer. Therefore, making a healthy body, a safe soul journey, is not a simple task in this day and age. So that all friends can have a healthy body, keep this message in mind. Proper nutrition is the king. The right exercise is the queen. And the combination of both, gives birth to a crown prince that is beautiful sleep. Because with beautiful sleep (6-8 hours a day, always you to feel fresh whenever you wake), this already represents a healthy body.
Happiness until Old Age
Happiness is the most sought after path in this era. Since happiness is so much interesting, even the United Nations (UN) is measuring the performance of nations with an index of happiness. On a more micro scale it also looks similar. Friends who comes to the meditation sessions whom are unwell and sick shared their stories that they have not much beautiful memory since childhood. Some of them even have very weak happiness genes. This become one of the cause why their bodies are prone to be visited by chronic diseases. Their families are prone to anger and a chance of separation. Not a few who began to hear suicidal whispers.
Rich in Wealth, Rich in Love
There are four signs that should be watched out so that our soul journey become healthy and safe. Firstly, in countries whom are very rich in material wealth, new doctors and medical specialists are appearing. They are doctors whom specializing in human sleep. This apparently has opened a secret, it turns out that in super rich countries many of the people living there have a difficulty in sleeping. Secondly, there are significantly increasing number of people in super-rich countries that cannot eat well. Of course not because they do not have money, but because the excess of money makes them having a high blood pressure. This then has an impact on their digestion system. A number of friends who work on super luxury cruises, with exorbitant rates, often meet rich people who can only eat porridge and egg white.
The Island of Love
In Charles Darwin’s time, humans were seen as passive objects. Pursuant to Darwin’s theory of evolution, humans are the result of inevitable natural selection. In our time, the story is different. There are many scientists, such as Gregg Braden, who put humans as active forces who also shape the face of life and nature. Recent scientific findings have also shown, from the discovery of DNA nucleus of human bones extracted from ancient times, that humans play an active role in determining the face of world and life. In this regard, Bali’s name as the island of love is not only Elizabeth Gilbert’s fantasy in her masterpiece called “Eat, Pray, Love”, but also the result of Balinese elders’ persistence for thousands of years, which in turn has convincingly made Bali to be known by the world as the island of love.
The Three Beautiful Angels Inside
From a beginners’ point of view, the human body contains plenty of dirty things. A view which is worthy of respect. Nevertheless, once the soul is full of light, one can understand not through a debate, but through accomplishment, that the human body contains plenty of beautiful Light. Moreover, not a few beautiful angels are hiding there. And this kind of angels is more powerful to rescue us than the angels from the unseen world. Of course, that is only if a person is smart and skilful enough to read the sacred messages from within.
Befriend With Clarity
Once again, the capital city of Jakarta is rioting. And again it is all because of money and power. Human life comes to a drift again. If you befriend with anger, something like this can easily burn your inner peace. Not only does it burn the person in the inside, it will also burns the relationships between people from the outside. As a result, events that occur in one day can damage the quality of life not only for days, but also years. Many riots that occurred thousands of years ago, are still giving birth to mental illness today.
Calling The Old Souls
The prominent characteristic of this era is the rapid economic growth. Nothing seems to slow down economic growth. As a result, the ecological impact arising therefrom will most likely be very severe. Not only external ecology, the inner ecology of human beings is also severe. The election of Donald Trump as the president of the super power United States of America is a sign worth reading. Especially because leaders are reflections of the millions of people who chose them. If the chosen one is full of anger, chances are the majority of voters in the particular country are also full of anger.
Learning to listen
Hungry souls, burning souls, that’s a scene that appears everywhere. Let alone in hospitals and on highways, even in holy places, there are many hungry and burning souls. But this is not an ingredient to disparage the government, nor is the material so that everyday life becomes full of anger, but it is the material to immediately develop a beautiful heart. With a beautiful heart, not only you will become less angry, but also making the earth look like a beautiful paradise. The habit of seeing everything as a beautiful paradise, it is possible to guide the soul to meet a beautiful paradise after death.
Shower the Soul with Light
The Human Body’s biological system is a reflection of the body’s energy. Long before the biological body is visited by disease, the biological body repeatedly gives a sign in the form of fatigue, restlessness, anxiety and even anger. Once this state of restlessness and anxiety accumulates a lot inside, the body’s biological system begins to be far from balanced. This is where many diseases originate. If it is explored more deeply, the unbalanced body of energy is closely related to the state of the poor soul of Light. In the West there are those who call this series of thinking as the anatomy of pain.
Opening the Secrets of the Soul
In exact science, once a question has been answered, the question is closed. For example, once it is found that the earth is round, the question about the shape of the earth is closed. Unlike in exact science, in social science there are many questions that can never be closed. These questions have been asked again and again by people throughout history; and the answers to the same questions are also different from time to time, from one person to another. For example, “What is happiness?” “What is truth?” “What is the secret of the soul?” and a myriad of other questions. Without any pretense of trying to answer the question completely, this short piece of writing is a material for friends who are seeking for the Light; at least, there is a glimpse of Light in the middle of the night. In simple but profound words, there are two evolutions of the human soul. First, from suffering into healing. Second, from healing into enlightenment.
Caring for Difficult People
Like a rotten apple, if there is one that is super difficult person in the family or a workplace, he/she will be very contagious. This era is indeed strange, the good things are very difficult to spread. But the bad ones spread so easily. For this reason, super special intelligence is needed so that these super-difficult people do not excessively spread negative auras. In the world of jokes, there are stories like this: “If a fool is short of money, at a best circumstances he will only steals a car side mirrors. But if super-smart people feel lack of money, not only can the car be taken away, even the car factory can be destroyed ”.
Most Beautiful Marriage
Not many people are born and grow in the midst of darkness, then come out of the darkness, and become the bringers of the dawn. One of these rare humans is Tracy McMillan. As told on the TED youtube site, a woman born from a mother who works as a commercial sex worker, her father was a drug dealer, and had failed in marriage for three times, apparently keeping a very beautiful life secret. Perhaps the most beautiful secret that is most sought by many people.
The Art of Forgiveness
“Keep learning to forgive. Not because that other people are important. But because your peace is very important”, said an old wisdom. In this age, human understanding of the importance of forgiving is even deeper. In meditation classes in the West, where participants meditate while their brains were monitored with a brain wave measuring machine called EEG, there are very important findings. Without the courage and sincerity to forgive, any soul’s growth will be severely impeded. Like a tree blocked by another tree, it will not grow tall.
Small is Beautiful
One day the venerable Mogalana (one of the close disciples of Lord Buddha) visited the hell realms. How surprised he was, in the hell realms there were a number of spiritual teachers. Some of them even leave messages to his disciples on earth, not to continue the teachings that they have always taught. Especially because the harder their students practice the teachings here on earth, the more the masters suffers in the hell realms.
The Bell of Peace
Every place has its own bad and good stories. Bali is likewise. In this regard, there is a book written by a friend from the West called The Dark Sides of Paradise, which telling about the dark sides of the island. Like two sides of a coin, since the beginless beginning, bad and good, dark and light, are inseparable pairs that always stay side by side to each other. While the restless souls are being shaken by the waves of dark and light, the luminous souls surf above all waves. On the path of meditation, the surfboard is called the perseverance to keep observing. And out of the perseverance to keep witnessing, lucidity is then born. From this pool of lucidity, it can be brightly seen that every era has its own challenges, as well as its own resolutions.
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