Friday 19 May 2017

The Lantern of Soul

In the middle of dark tunnel, what human beings mostly need is light. In the middle of the dark age, what human beings mostly need is soul lanterns. Without this type of lantern, wherever the foot steps, the soul will remain restless and sleepless. When people have money, they are worried of losing it. When human beings have no money, they are worried of poverty.

The spiritual message then, turning on the electric light is easy, but turning on the soul lantern, not too many people can do that. However, there's good news. In some parts, the old science of psychology gives us useful signs to contemplate. The journey of the soul will be even more deeper if psychology is combined with the old heritage of spirituality.

As the first step, the first days as a child in the school often give omen of soul lanterns. It is understandable, especially because in childhood the mind is still clean and clear, the feeling is still innocent. As a result, the traces of meaning that the soul brought from the previous journey are still not covered much by the dirty mud of ignorance.

And this kind of early childhood experience is unique. It can not be compared from one person to another. The way to put it into meaning is unique.  It is not recommended to use the way of the average person to interprate the last unique experience. One day a spiritual friend shared his secret that he often remembered the face of a little girl on her first day at school. Whenever the memory of this girl appeared, the inner soul would feel tender and filled by the energy of embracing and forgiving.

Decades later, when he learned deep spirituality this friend begin to understand, one of the calming and the balancing psychological medicines is tenderness, which is combined with the sincerity to forgive. Having penetrated the last meaning into the soul, the little girl on the first day at school again appeared in his mind, but not as an ordinary human being, but as an angel who gave direction to his soul's journey.

In addition to this unique experience on the first day at school, childhood dreams can also be transformed into soul lanterns. Another spiritual friend shared her story, when she was a little girl, she kept dreaming of flying with a clothless body. After reading here and there and meditating deeply here and there, there were soul lanterns uncovered.

The dream of flying opened the secret that she is a sky being who comes here to earth to share light. And the light that is need to be shared here on earth is the clothless mind. A kind of mind which is free of judgment, comparison, competition and violence. With this kind of mind, it is not only when one speaks, even when one spends time in silence, they keep sharing the light.

The people who keep harming complete with their common identity are also a kind of soul lantern. Not only their eyes and their identities give signs that they are the kind of person that needs to be avoided, but the inner feeling of being wounded is a more important lantern of the soul.

Whenever a person can be silent, they do not indulge themselves in bad words in the moment they are harmed, it's a beautiful sign that they have seeds of light within. When the person can see the network of suffering behind the blamers, the sign is even deeper. It could be a troubling school experience, a messy parent relationship or wishes that can not be fulfilled.

The most beautiful sign is when someone can send the vibration of compassion to those who keep harming. As it is often heard in the community of deep souls, behind the attacks of people is not a crime. But it is unbearable suffering. This is the most beautiful lantern of soul that ever appears.

Author : Guruji Gede Prama
Photo Courtesy: Shutterstock
Proofread by : Kirsty Spence

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