Friday, 2 December 2016

Spiritual Transmission

As candles which continuously light the other's  candles, bringers of the dawn keep lighting the other's candles through thoughts, speech and actions. Sadly, very few people nowadays have a candle within themselves (by which read: have an interest in spirituality). When there are people who carry a candle, it is very difficult to light it. Mainly because of ignorance and mistrust.

Even though the situation is such difficult, bringers of the dawn will never quit. That's the reason why at all ages there are bringers of the dawn. And very few of them are allowed to be called Avatar, Buddha, Mahatma, Prophet. Most of them are happy using the cloth of the commoners. At the same time,  they continuously share the light in accordance with the unique challenges of their time.

In the ancient times, most spiritual transmission (by which read: lighting the other's candles) are done through rituals. In Bali there is ritual of mawinten, which is aimed at preparing a person to be ready to learn the holy teachings. In Buddhism there is ceremony to take precepts, in order to prevent one's spiritual journey from spiritual downfall.

In line with the progress of science and technology, most of spiritual transmission nowadays are done orally. That is why most of the spiritual teachers nowadays try to transfer the holy teachings to students by the way of lecturing, writing and other approaches that use a lot of sounds and words. And to be honest, oral transmission only, will never make the soul grow deep enough.

For that reason, as soon as the students grow matures,  the Guru will use the other way of spiritual transmission which is much deeper. There is symbolic transmission, there is transmission from mind to mind, there is heart to heart transmission, and there is secret transmission. And which way of transmission to be chosen depends on how close the relationship is between the teacher and the disciples. 

The story of the Lord Buddha who is deeply silent and holding a lotus flower in front of thousands of monks is an example of symbolical transmission. Among more than a thousand monks, there was only one monk who understand it which is the venerable Mahakasyapa. Zen tradition in particular takes their root of teaching based on the last spiritual  transmission.

The story of an Indian saint who received the spiritual light in Indonesia in the era of Sriwijaya is an example of transmission from mind to mind. After going through tremendous trials in the middle of the ocean, Lama Atisha arrived in Indonesia meeting his Master the venerable Dharmakirti. After serving the Master for many years, one night their pillows touch each others. At that time there was spiritual transmission from mind to mind.

Vivekananda grew in a Western environment which highly appreciate an intellectual way of thinking. That is why, it is not easy for him to understand his Tantra Teacher named Rama Krishna. Even though Master Rama Krishna showed him many wonders, still, it is difficult for him to understand. But Vivekananda's loyalty to the Master continues to grow. Whatever his Master asked, he never refused. One day, as Vivekananda grew mature spiritually, Master Rama Krishna touched Vivekananda’s head and suddenly he felt an electric shock. At that time Vivekananda experinced heart to heart transmission.

Jetsun Milarepa of Tibet experienced a secret transmission which is very rare. In a thousand years probably there is no spiritual transmission like this happening here on earth. After committing dangerous mistakes, Milarepa was cleaned thoroughly by his Master Marpa. After being cleaned Milarepa was asked to meditate for years in caves in Tibet. The perseverance and the tremendous sincerity made Milarepa experience a secret transmission.

When the secret transmissions was reported to his teacher Marpa, Marpa directly went to India telling the Master Naropa this rare story of secret transmission. After hearing the story of the last secret transmissions Naropa salute bow down toward Tibet which was followed by a number of large trees in Himalaya. Even now there are still a number of large trees in the Himalayas who pay respect to the direction of Tibet.

Some of the spiritual friends in the spiritual family of Compassion who have served the Guru sincerely for many years apparently also experience spiritual transmission. The depth of transmission is different according to the depth of their devotion to the Guru. But one thing is for sure, one of the important characteristic of souls who have experienced spiritual transmission, their respect to the holy Guru and holy teachings increase, at the same time their interest to the worldly affairs decrease. The only thirst that is left is the thirst to serve others. Especially to guide as many souls to be back home. To the home of loving-kindness and compassion.

Author: Gede Prama.
Photo Courtesy: Twitter@shedancestibet.
Proofread by: Kirsty Spence.

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