Friday, 21 October 2016

The Art of Resting

Whenever animals in the forest are injured, they heal themselves simply by taking a deep rest. Surprisingly, many animals in the forest recover as a result of perfectly resting in the solitude and in the silence of the forest. That is one of the important symbolical message that often appears in the silence of the forest.

After meeting thousands of friends who have serious life problems in meditation sessions, the above symbolical message appears to be very true. Whenever meeting friends with very frightening diseases like cancer, souls who are deeply wounded by trauma of childhood, some have even tried to commit suicide many times, it is clear that their eyes need to open to the secret of taking a rest.

Even in the moment of sleep they are still disturbed by insomnia and nightmares that make them full of anger toward life. Some even said that they could not sleep at all for years. Again and again, it reminds us the importance of rest in daily life. Without the skill of taking a rest, any soul will certainly collapse.

In a simple but profound language, the important reason why people often claim they are right (rather than wrong) is because they measure themselves using their own measurement. The main reason why the others often look wrong, is because people keep measuring others by using their own measurement.

In conclusion, the failure to take a rest is deeply rooted in the old habit of measuring others by using one's own measurement. Divorce, violence, conflict, families which grow into a dangerous valley, suicides and other problems in life all have their own root here.

For the sake of soul healing, let's learn to measure others by using the other's measurement. Not to force others by using one's own measurement. Look deeply into weeds in the garden. For the gardeners, weeds are very disturbing. But for the rabbits, weeds are a delicous food.

The same thing happens to the children who are considered to be naughty. For some parents, the over-active children are easily put into the box of naughty kids. But from the perspective of the children, that's the way of their soul.

One day the animals wanted to follow human beings to establish a school. The courses of swimming are taught by the fishes. The lessons of running are guided by the wolves. The subject of flying is coordinated by the birds. And after many years, the school was closed. At the end, the fishes are the most skillful in swimming, the wolves are the fastest in running, the birds are the only one who can beautifully fly.

The lesson is simple, to be able to rest fully in life, it is very important to find the science of "knowing oneself". If the desire is much higher than the ability, then life can easily collapse. If the desire is far lower than the ability, we can call it lazy.

And the perfect rest in life can be found if people learn to find the balance between the desire and ability. As in riding a bike, the point of balance is more likely to be found when someone constantly practices and practices to grow toward the future. And one of the important signs is that the soul has take a rest, inner seekers can see that everything is then dancing in the same perfection.

Author: Gede Prama.
Photo Courtesy: Twitter @moon_perla.
Proofread by: Kirsty Spence.

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