Friday 2 May 2014

School of Peace

Initially, society was created to make life more organized. But later it is hard to deny that society caused much soul holes. The increasing rate of suicide, mental hospital inmates, depression, corruption, conflict are the evidences. It appears to be there are many disorders in society. This triggers a question, where the soul can patch the holes?

Inner Family

Among so many symbolical signs that are available in nature, birth is one of the important sign. And we are all born in the family. In the midst of turmoil like this, every time there is meditation student who consult for a divorce, there's no sign that the inner Guru agree. This does not mean divorce is a sin, once again it is not. But behind all divorce there's always immature soul.

As long as the soul is not mature, one can remarry thousand times then he/she will always invite the immature soul (the law of attraction). Beside, in the eyes of immature soul all people appear to be immature. For that reason, in comparison to divorce which can cause mental injury to the many, it is always advised to mature the soul.

And wound, pain, suffering are the best teachers that available in nature to mature the soul. But with one condition, do not run away from grief, respect grief as good as you respect holy Masters. As it's often mention, sorrow is an inner angel who guide you to peel the deeper layers of yourself. As soon as one grows deep in this case, he/she will meet an inner family as a foundation to build the outer family.

Old Home of Soul

At the beginning, negative emotions such as anger are similar to dangerous enemies. Before being touched by meditation chaotic mind is similar to thief who steal the treasure of peace. But once you are touched by deep meditation, the practise of witnessing transforms negative emotions and waving thoughts into bells of awareness.

Under the light of awareness, it is easier to build family as home of soul. Naughty children, spouse who enters midlife crisis, sick parents, the maid who often change from time to time, are all strengthen (not to weaken) the practise of awareness. Especially because all movements of life - no matter good or bad - are bells of awareness.

Illuminated by awareness like this, then family can be restored to their original function as the old home of soul. In this stage, family is like harbor for ships. Where all leak holes are patched, all dirty paints are repainted. Home of soul is also the same, it is not like football tournament where there is winner and loser. It is a home where we all learn to forgive each others and love each others. In summary, it is a school of peace.

Family As Garden

Similar to beautiful garden, home of soul can be beautiful if we use it as a place to perfect each others. Not a place to blame each others. As the garden, where there is grass there is weed. Where there is advantage there is disadvantage. The beauty of life is uncovered when the natural nature of things like this is accepted as they are. Like maintaining the grass, we keep pulling the weeds but there's no complain at all.

The difference with the garden outside, in the garden of soul, the person who plant the seeds of love then he/she is the one who blooms. For every soul who bloom, he /she will understand, kind deed is the best way to awaken the inner beauty.

Illuminated by the light of beauty like this, then family can be restored into a home where the soul holes can be patched, flaws can be improved. As a result, family can contribute a lot in helping society to be in oder. Borrowing from some of spiritual friends: "when you are in order inside, then the world will be in order too".

Note: Indonesia speaking friends, the messages that flowing through me can be accessed in twitter: @gede_prama or website:

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