Monday 5 June 2017

The Meaningful Trails (5)

In a private conversation with the book author of History of God, Karen Armstrong, a friend asked about the background story of this legendary book. Frankly, this English lady answered: “The concept of God and religion has become the main cause of violence for thousands of years”. An honest answer from someone who has been exploring the journey of religions for years. Observing the world situation in the last few years, it is worth pondering again and again on the concept of God and religion that have caused many acts of violence. As being noted in the history, all religions have somehow been very old. And during its very long journey, the messages have not only been translated into different languages, but also being interpreted by different authorities.

In this context, the presence of J. Krishnamurti is indispensable. In his masterpiece called “Freedom From The Known”, one of the luminous souls of this age straightforwardly states the following message: “The freedom of peace could not be found by following a particular sect or religion, but by liberating the self from any form of conditionings”. In psychology, the conditioning that often caused a serious illness is the wound that a soul was experiencing during childhood. In spirituality, the most imprisoning conditioning is the dogmas. When the Americans were commemorating the anniversary of the tragedy that demolished the WTC twin towers in New York few years after that terrorist attack, there is someone who wishes to burn certain holy books of a religion. And that is also a dogma that would not only imprison, but also extend the long list of a long-standing violence.
As fire cannot be extinguished by fire, violence cannot be resolved by violence, dogma cannot also be pacified by using other dogmas. The burning fire could only be extinguished by the calming water. The brutal violence could only be reassured by the gentleness of patience. A violent dogma might only be neutralized by the tenderness of love. For that reason, what the world need is no longer a new weapon, but a new heart. The kind of heart that is free from any conditioning of the past. Krishnamurti provides mankind with a vehicle to get into that direction, named choiceless awareness. The awareness of not choosing. Having this kind of consciousness would slowly clear the mind and cleanse the soul. Human learn not to become a second-hand human being (read: seeing the world using the vision of others). For then able to have a fresh look on today. Without being polluted by the dogma of the past.
The conclusion is simple, nothing is wrong with studying religion. So is worshiping God. Yet, never use religion and God as a reason to be the slave of violence and anger. In the language of Krishnamurti, the existence of religion is to liberate mankind (to set people unconditionally free).
Author: Guruji Gede Prama.
Photo Courtesy: Private Collection.

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