Friday, 30 December 2016

Calling Old Souls

It is hard to deny that in these days there is a great deal of darkness on earth. On the one hand it is very scary, but on the other hand it is an invitation to the old souls to immediately share the light. For that reason, there should be someone who dares to give spiritual signs and guidelines of action to let the old souls (who have been reborn) to share as much light as possible.

Spiritual Signs

1. As a child, you feel uncomfortable. There was a strong feeling that you wanted to become an adult as quickly as possible. At the same time, you were rarely interested in hanging out with friends of the same age. While most children are afraid of solitude, you feel comfortable in solitude.

2. In childhood you often dream of flying. It is a sign that you are a sky being who is here on earth to share beautiful light. Sometimes in childhood you had dreams of being naked as a reminder that you should have a naked mind ( by which read: free of judgment and violence).

3. As a teenager, you are more interested to see things in common between people, rather than things that are different. When interacting with others, you can easily see the others' viewpoints.

4. When you learn spirituality, you find it very easy. It is much easier than learning the lessons at school. And one of the subject in primary school or junior high school that caught a lot of your attention is history.

5. Without learning psychology, you can easily identify people who could harm you. You will naturally move away from them. Whenever there were things which could threaten your life, suddenly near you there were people or events that could make you were safe.

6. Material life complete with it's money, status and power, can easily makes you bored. It is replaced by a sense of inner contentment. At the same time there is a strong longing to serve as many beings as possible.

7. Your spiritual door began to be opened because of the touching events like terrorist bombings, violence which is brought in the name of God or religion, you are deeply touched by human suffering everywhere.

8. Once the spiritual door is opened, you begin to feel the presence of meaningful coincidences or synchronicity everywhere. Sometimes you see the written messages in the nature, sometimes you hear the very authoritative and charismatic sounds.

9. After the light of meaning began to be disclosed, you begin to see the lights in the sky. From the beautiful light to the very beautiful one. However, you tend to keep it in your heart. You are not interested in telling it to someone else.

10. Being guided by the light in the sky, you begin to practice deep spirituality like deep meditation, yoga, prayers, etc. At the same time, there are people around you who are interested in learning from you.

11. In the depths of prayers, or it appears in your dreams many times, slowly but surely you begin to see the living human Guru who you should follow, serve and give devotion to.

12. The interaction between the meeting with a living human Guru with the secret Guru which is hidden in the nature lead you into confidence that the true holy site is hidden inside. At the same time, the guarding forces in nature began to show themselves.

13. Once you grow old spiritually and have a luminous soul, the secret Guru will appear to you both in a very amazing and very scary way. It is a spiritual sign that you have entered the gate of Advaita (going beyond all dualities such as good-bad, right-wrong, dirty-saint).

The Next Tasks

Each spiritual friend who experienced at least four signs above, you should quickly learn deep spirituality. Especially by meeting the four types of Gurus from the living Guru, the Guru of holy scriptures, the symbolical Guru, the secret Guru. For spiritual friends who experienced eight signs or more, if you do not follow your calling, danger will follow you wherever you go. You can even die at a young age.

If there are many obstacles, at least serve others as quickly as possible. As a spiritual guideline, in our times there are some very old souls whose light were very bright. Here are the luminous souls complete with the essence of their teachings:

Old Souls   The essence of the teaching
Nelson Mandela        Forgiveness
Mother Teresa  Service
Mahatma Gandhi  Sincerity
HH Dalai Lama                  Compassion

Summarized into one, if you have soul wounds, heal yourself by keeping forgiving, then quickly serve as many beings as possible. Those who love to write please write, those who like to paint simply paint, spiritual friends who love teaching begin to teach. Whatever service that you do, remember to do it compassionately (the most important thing is to help, if you can not help at least do not harm).

Author: Gede Prama.
Photo Courtesy: Twitter @natalycriz2.
Proofread by: Kirsty Spence.

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