"Din, I cannot sleep because of your prayers. Now ask me three requests, I will give you what you want", that's how God began the conversation. Nasrudin was certainly excited hearing such answer. After taking some deep breath, this innocent man whisper: "Please this is just a secret between us alone. If you don't mind, let my wife die". When he was asked why, Nasrudin said that his wife made his house worse than hell.
To make the story short, the next morning Nasrudin's wife died. And as usual, many villagers mourn and give some comments on Nasrudin's wife. The first person concluded that she was a faithful wife. The second man refers to her as a loving mother. The last one muttering something like this: "indeed, good people are usually called by God earlier".
Hearing such beautiful comments, Nasrudin suddenly realize how kind his wife is, by then he ran to the back of the house crying and calling the name of the Lord. With a perfect patience God asked: "Din, I've just started to sleep, but you call me back. What is the matter?". Nasrudin deeply crying then asked the second request: "please give my wife back".
Realizing that he still have only one thing to beg, Nasrudin asked the neighbor what is the best thing to ask for the last time. The first neighbor said, ask for the money because with money you can buy many things. The second one remind Nasrudin the importance of health, because without health money is useless . The last neighbor suggested Nasrudin to ask for life without death.
Hearing suggestions like this, Nasrudin got dizzy and confused, and then he just kept silence. In his heart he began to feel that God is such tricky. For that reason, he did not call God in such a long period of time. In the year of eleventh, the Lord came and greet Nasrudin: "You do not call me for long time, what happen?". With a sad expression Nasrudin replied: "I got confused my Lord, all answers appear to be wrong". After the both parties silence for a moment, then Nasrudin muttering: "To the last request I will leave it to you my Lord".
Hearing such sad message, the Lord smiled wisely, then gently the Lord whispered: "Why don't you ask for a heart with deep gratitude?". Of course Nasrudin surprised and did not understand. Once he is cool, the Lord whispered softly: "with a grateful heart, life is an inner fountain of blessing".
And you may smile reading this Nasrudin story. Any friend who has passed through a lot of praise and blame, going up and down with success and failure, they will understand that there is no diamond of life which is more luminous than deep gratitude.
The deeper one's gratitude, the more beautiful the life. As a result, we can have healthier family and also can send brighter light to life. That is the reason why people with admirable spiritual attainment then their language are soft, their face is cool, and they are the light of the many. The reason behind is simple, they have found an inner diamond of gratitude.
For every friend who digs deep within, finding calmness within, opening the secret of insight, they also meet the spiritual diamond called deep gratitude. And this diamond does not only make life luminous, it also transforms life into a beautiful flute of peace. Not only the songs of birds, blooming flowers, the beauty of the rainbow play the flute of peace, each breath play the flute of peace. As the spiritual heritage of the enlightened: "Without food, body will be hungry. Without peace, soul is filled with anxiety".
Author: Gede Prama.
Photo Courtesy: Twitter@brightnewvensa.
*) Versi bahasa Indonesia dari tulisan ini dan tulisan lain di web ini, bisa dibaca di www.gedeprama.blogdetik.com, yang suka pesan pendek dalam bahasa Indonesia silahkan kunjungi fb Gede Prama's Compassion
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