Friday, 30 May 2014
Avatar of Compassion

Friday, 23 May 2014
Crafting Peace
Just in the case peace can be bought by using
money all the rich people will buy it. Unfortunately, peace cannot be bought,
peace can only be found by digging within.
Womb of Contentment
Similar to baby who is ready to take rebirth,
the uterus from where the baby of peace will reborn is inner contentment. It is
hard to imagine there is deep peace without inner contentment. Not only
satisfied of money and praise, but also being satisfied of knowledge
accumulation and spiritual attainment.
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Heaven on Earth

Heaven as Fruit of Attitude
Once upon a time, a warlord came to zen master
asking about heaven and hell. Hearing such question, then the last zen master
unfriendly answered like this: "I cannot explain hell and heaven to a
stupid person like you".
Saturday, 17 May 2014
The Intelligence of Compassion
To many beautiful souls,
the contemporary human suffering is very touching. Suicide, corruption,
depression, divorce are all increase everywhere. Many friends of the West who
seriously learn meditation in Bali open the secret, they are very eager to find
the most rapid healing tool. Mainly because the burden of suffering inside is
so deep and wounding.
Friday, 16 May 2014
The Dancing of Light
Once upon a time, a friend who was unable to see at the same time
also very intelligent in debate came to a wise teacher. He asked about the
existence of light which is very difficult to him to believe. As long as
light can be felt, can be touched, can be smelled, then he will believe that
light is exist. At the end of his question, this blind man complained angrily:
"most people accuse me to be blind of light, what actually happened they actually lie about the
Knowledge That Blinding
To some extend, most people are like the above
blind man. Keep thinking that life is as limited as what they can see, only as
far as what human being can think, just as narrow as feeling. And the more
dangerous thing, being equipped with such limited understanding then they
attack and judge the others.
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Bell of Peace
for peace, that's the characteristic of contemporary life everywhere. Many
people are such hungry for peace, some even pay very expensive price travelling
around the world simply to find peace. Once they return back home, peace simply
Bell of Peace
for peace, that's the characteristic of contemporary life everywhere. Many
people are such hungry for peace, some even pay very expensive price travelling
around the world simply to find peace. Once they return back home, peace simply
Outer Bell
from experience like this, inner travellers learn to rely less on outer sources
of peace, then spending more energy on peace that’s rooted within. All signs
outside such as beautiful scenery, good food, other's praise are only bells
which are used as reminder that the true peace is within.
Friday, 2 May 2014
School of Peace
Initially, society was created to make life more organized. But later it is hard to deny that society caused much soul holes. The increasing rate of suicide, mental hospital inmates, depression, corruption, conflict are the evidences. It appears to be there are many disorders in society. This triggers a question, where the soul can patch the holes?
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