In our modern life, there are a lot of people who keeps offering heaven.
The material world complete with their advertising and promotion keep showing
smiles everyday. Some of them smiles while offering cars and some others smiles
while offering insurance services and savings for the future of children.
The characteristic of material world is simple, they keep offering sedative
from outside. A Car salesman will always promise that you can be happy with the
new car. If the purchased car can not make you happy, they will offer another
new car with a more expensive price. And the end result can be easily
predicted, happiness inquirers like this are not only endless, but also make
many souls get exhausted. In the west where the material life is praised, the
statistic of social diseases keep increasing from year to year.
Having realized the dry characteristic of material life, a lot of seekers
begin to stop searching heaven outside, then learn to find paradise that is
available abundantly within. Meditation is one of the way to find the abundant
paradise inside.