Friday, 28 October 2016

Smile As Intelligence

One day a little boy was digging sands on the beach using his small hands. When he was asked what he was doing, with an innocence smile the little boy replied: "I want to put all water of ocean into my small well".

The same thing happen to many people in this age. Life and God are as wide as the ocean. But the human mind is similar to the small well. Sadly, the advancement of education in particular make some people arrogantly believe that they can understand everything by using mind alone. The result is predictable, there are countless alienated  souls everywhere. People feel uncomfortable in their own bodies.

A friend who spent his life for decades as a consultant to various large companies, as well as deeply understand the inner secrets of many corporate organizations shared a story, there are many people whose minds are very strong cause dangerous mistakes. They do not just make the organizations suffer, but also make a nation suffer.

Friday, 21 October 2016

The Art of Resting

Whenever animals in the forest are injured, they heal themselves simply by taking a deep rest. Surprisingly, many animals in the forest recover as a result of perfectly resting in the solitude and in the silence of the forest. That is one of the important symbolical message that often appears in the silence of the forest.

After meeting thousands of friends who have serious life problems in meditation sessions, the above symbolical message appears to be very true. Whenever meeting friends with very frightening diseases like cancer, souls who are deeply wounded by trauma of childhood, some have even tried to commit suicide many times, it is clear that their eyes need to open to the secret of taking a rest.

Even in the moment of sleep they are still disturbed by insomnia and nightmares that make them full of anger toward life. Some even said that they could not sleep at all for years. Again and again, it reminds us the importance of rest in daily life. Without the skill of taking a rest, any soul will certainly collapse.

Friday, 14 October 2016

The Inner Tree

A western psychologist interviewed a lot of people who have experience listening to other peoples problems. The result was very touching. Eighty percent of respondents said that they did not care. Twenty percent of them said they were happy to know that the other people have worse problems than themselves.

As we all know, the West knew civilization much earlier, they are much richer materially as well, but if in such an environment people do not care about each other, what  happens in developing countries where they know no school, where people are still fighting hard to feed themselves? As widely known in Eastern philosophy, there are always two sides of the same coin, we call life.

The touching tendency of civilization like this, on the one hand of course it makes us sad. But on the other hand it provides an invitation to start planting the inner trees. Without the perseverance to plant the inner trees, over a matter of time, life will have no shelter at all. Old age will be full of problems and disasters.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Bali My Love

It is still clear in our memory that 14 years ago, to put it more precisely on October 12th 2002, a terrorist bomb exploded for the first time in Bali. It happened one year after the most frightening terrorist bombing in this century occurred in the US. As clearly recorded in history, the twin towers of WTC in New York were attacked by terrorist aircraft's on September 11th 2001. If you notice the details, from the date of 11th to the date of 12th, from the month of September to October, from the year of 2001 to 2002.