Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Home of Angels

In many places on earth, deficit of joy happened sadly. The latest deficit makes life miserable, cloudy, touching. Hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, dysfunctional families, traffic jam, corruption in bureaucracy, the corporate world which is full of conflict, all make life deeply longing for joy.

You are Not Victim

The main characteristic of life with joy deficit, he/she always refer to him/herself as victim. The victim of parent immaturity, the victim of egoistic spouse, the victim of unmanaged schools, the victim of unhappy childhood. Merged into one, others are put as source of suffering, and the self is the object of pain.

All of these emotional imbalances then are poured into others in the form of anger, hatred, discontentment. As we all see no one is willing to accept these wastes. As a consequence of it, life is like fire meets fire. This is the beginning of a lot of life accidents that make the earth poor of joy.

To be honest, no one of us who were born from perfect parent, have a perfect life partner, or perfect school. All of us have flaw of the past. While the ordinary people are harmed by the imperfect past, the Masters use it as lights pointing out the journey.

Womb of Angels

Learning from the story of holy people like Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., to Mahatma Gandhi, all saints were born of the womb called suffering. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years, Mother Teresa lived amid poverty that sting, Martin Luther King Jr., and Mahatma Gandhi were even shot.

The lesson is simple, pain, suffering, sadness are only messages of the inner, pointing the way to go much deeper. For that reason, it is understandable when a friend who recovered from a terrible emotional shock once ever told, at the top of the shock she suddenly remembered her dreams in childhood. Fly above the clouds, watching the suffering of this planet, then choosing to be born in a broken family, to deeply feel, understand the suffering of beings, to open the door of helping.

After the passing of the long shocks, new babies of angels were born from the womb of suffering. Then open the door to a new life, which keeps gently helping, serving all suffering beings of this planet. In short, to make this planet as home of angels.

The Daily Menu of Angels

For every soul who has been through the womb of suffering for a long time, then hunger and thirst for helping arise. While the ordinary people help out of obligation, to the angels helping is the daily menu.

Similar to the ordinary people who are hungry and thirsty, the hungry and thirsty of angels is always want to help. This explains why Mother Teresa was so safe and comfortable amid the chaotic city of Calcutta, Nelson Mandela live in prison without holding a grudge, Mahatma Gandhi was still have time to call upon the name of God as the bullet penetrated his body.

Put it simply, after passing the womb of suffering, eating and drinking the menu of helping, all of angels transform this earth as the home of angels. The deficit energy of joy on this earth then be balanced by their sincerity and genuineness. These angels are not just heal others, also make their soul journey mature.


1. For every friend who is being seduced by pain and suffering, it is advisable to awaken healing energy that comes from within. The steps are simple, forgive the past, accept the present. Above all, see everything with the eyes of joy. In spiritual language, all is the same dancing of the same perfection.

2. Once the seed of healing is planted, then water it with creative visualization. This is not only imagination, it has been recorded neatly in the story of the saints, that suffering energy awakens the inner compassion. After deeply feel long pain and suffering, heal yourself through forgiveness and acceptance, then visualize that you are an angel who come here to beautify this planet through touching attitudes.

3. Generate strong intention to help in your field. If you are a writer then write with the intention to help, if you are a mother take good care of children like treating babies of angels, if you are rich person donate some of your wealth into scholarship for the poor. In this way, you do not only heal yourself, but also make the journey of your soul much mature. At the end, you are part of the effort to make this planet as home of angels.

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