frequency is changing reality, that's a message which is often shared by
spiritual friends who deeply understand energy. Especially energy associated
with spiritual growth. In summary, people can change the reality they
experience in daily life by changing the frequency of their energy.
One of the
legendary masterpieces that many people cited in this regard is the research by
Dr. Masaru Emoto about the forms of particles in water. When a researcher
showed the word "dumb" to the water, the water particles formed a
scary face. When the water is given the word "peace" as another
example, the water particles formed a diamond-like face.
One of the
important conclusions drawn here, is that the same reality (in this case water)
can be achieved when it is approached by different hearts, it will produce a
different reality. As deeper materials of contemplations, more than a half of
the earth's surface is water. More than a half of the human body is water.
There are many spiritual secrets which are hidden behind water.